July 4, 2015

BORN TO BE WILD - Parody【香港版】For Seniors + 18

+ eI8hteeN vErSioN
bORn tO bE wiLd
野 性 難 馴 ....
.... 歲 月 催 人

PARODY【香港版】: 為了增加戲彷歌曲的趣味性, 歌詞以香港人通俗的詞彙作翻譯, 跟英文原意有所不同, 敬請非香港型式粵語的歌迷朋友原諒 !

bORn tO bE wiLd - sENiOr CiTizEn'S vErSioN

Get your Motrin ready    都係拎定啲退燒葯
Head on a treadmill    先至好用跑步機
The heating pad is warning    體温表爆燈
In case your herniate disk kills    又撞啱你小腸氣
We're aging boomer refuse to show it    真係要認老
I just got implant and a tummy tuck    做完僭建又拉皮
A triple bypass and two knee replacements    搭完橋又到膝頭哥
Getting old really sucks    年紀大 副偈壞

I just took Viagra    啱啱食咗偉哥
Both the kids are out late    整番兩Q都係嘥料
I'll go get some Merlot    不如嗒番杯
Let's hope it won't inflame your prostate    千祈唔好攪㷫條前列腺
We're Baby Boomers! The original rebels    我哋啲嬰兒潮怪物! 正一百厭星
Use to smoke pot but now we drink green tea    以前隊草, 而家嘆綠茶
We tripped on acid now we have acid reflux    舊時鍾意 high 嘢, 而家見到都哎暈
We're in the *AARP   我哋都係等收皮
We were spoiled, pushy wild...   後生嗰陣緃鬼壞, 反斗又奀皮 ...
But now we're bored, tubby and wild    而家冇鬼用 論盡兼唔好老脾
We used to get so high   一向都認屎認屁
Now they call us spry !!   而家俾人串我哋又勇又武 !!
Bored... Tubby... Mild !   冇聲...冇神...冇氣!
Bored... Tubby... Mild !   冇聲...冇神...冇氣!

* American Association of Retired Persons 美國退休人士協會

BORN TO BE WILD - Steppenwolf
Get your motor runnin'
Head out on the highway
Lookin' for adventure
And whatever comes our way
Yeah Darlin' go make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once
And explode into space

I like smoke and lightning
Heavy metal thunder
Racin' with the wind
And the feelin' that I'm under
Yeah Darlin' go make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once
And explode into space

Like a true nature's child
We were born, born to be wild
We can climb so high
I never wanna die

Born to be wild
Born to be wild