June 9, 2016

HANG ON SLOOPY - 4/2 : Remade

"Hang On Sloopy" - Remade
1965年七月, "The McCoys" 樂隊的首張單曲唱片面世, 他們把這歌曲以嶄新演譯, 一唱而紅, 成了當年 "A Go Go" 潮流的標誌歌曲之一, 面世後即登上美國 "U.S. Billboard Hot 100" 榜首, 英國 "Single Chart" 第五位。

六十年代初, "的士夠格 Discothèque" 在香港仍沒有出現, 而 "A Go-Go 阿高高" 狂熱正在開始之時, "Hang On Sloopy" 是台上表演、歌唱比賽和私人派對不可或缺的歌曲之一。

根據 Rick Derringer 稱, 原歌詞是出自聖路易斯 St. Louis 一個中學生的作品, 他因零用錢而賣給了 Bert Berns (原名 Bert Russell); 人們仍會好奇地問: "究竟誰是 Sloopy?"。

歌詞中的名字 Sloopy, 相傳是一位出生在俄亥俄州 Ohio, 貧瘠鄉郊 Steubenville 的爵士女歌手 Dorothy Sloop 1913-1998, 她在紐奧爾良 New Orleans 演出時, 以 "Sloopy" 作舞台名字, 以示她身在舞台而不忘出生寒微。1960年, 她的專輯亦以"Dixie and Sloopy"取名。

"The McCoys" 的版本是最完整, 三段歌詞道出六十年代一般青年男女愛情的寫照; 在 MTV 出現的就是別稱 "Sloopy" 的少女, 她衣着隨便, 步履輕佻, 漫不經心的態度, 舞姿誘人和搔首弄姿, 就以香港人最貼切的俗稱 "爛躂躂" 相信就是英文 "Sloppy" 最貼切的翻譯, 這亦解答了究竟誰是 "Sloopy" 的疑團。今天, 此曲再把老樂迷逝去的青春燃點起來 ! 聽過之後, 仍有青春活力的感覺嗎 ?

温馨提示: 血壓有問題者, 請略過這音樂視像 ....

"Hang on Sloopy" - The McCoys
Hang on, Sloopy
Sloopy, hang on
Hang on, Sloopy
Sloopy, hang on

Sloopy lives in a very bad part of town (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
And everybody, yeah, tries to put my Sloopy down (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
Sloopy, I don't care what your daddy do (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
'Cause you know, Sloopy, girl, I'm in love with you (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)

And so I sing out
Hang on, Sloopy
Sloopy, hang on
Hang on, Sloopy
Sloopy, hang on

Sloopy wears a red dress, yeah, as old as the hills (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
But when Sloopy wears that red dress, yeah, you know, it gives me the chills, oh, oh
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
Sloopy, when I see you walking, walking down the street (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
I say, "Don't worry, Sloopy, girl, you belong to me" (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)

And so I sing out
Hang on, Sloopy
Sloopy, hang on
Hang on, Sloopy
Sloopy, hang on
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Give it to 'em right now

Sloopy, let your hair down, girl
Let it hang down on me (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
Sloopy, let your hair down, girl
Let it hang down on me, yeah, yeah (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)

Come on, Sloopy (Come on, come on)
Well, come on, Sloopy (Come on, come on)
Well, come on, Sloopy (Come on, come on)
Well, come on, Sloopy (Come on, come on)

Well, it feels so good (Come on, come on)
You know, it feels so good (Come on, come on)
Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, Sloopy (Come on, come on)
Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, yeah (Come on, come on)

Hang on, Sloopy
Sloopy, hang on
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hang on, Sloopy
Sloopy, hang on
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hang on, Sloopy
Sloopy, hang on

NEXT .... Hang On Sloopy - The McCoys