August 6, 2016

I'M A BELIEVER - 4/3 : The Monkees 鋒 芒

"The Monkees 搗蛋一族"
第一次錄音期間, 唱片監製 Jeff Barry 衹要他們歌唱而已, 音樂聲軌錄音卻請外來樂手代為執行, 這引起四小子極為不滿, 最後仍是接受交由鼓手 Micky Dolenz 作主唱, 才把錄音工作完成。另外, 結他手 Michael Nesmith 之前亦有一番擾攘, 聲言 "I'm A Believer" 這歌曲絕不會受歡迎, 並對監製 Jeff Barry 誇稱 : "我亦是個作曲家, 知道甚麽才會是受歡迎的熱門歌曲 !"

"The Monkees & Jimi Hendrix"
"The Monkees 搗蛋一族" 電視片集和唱片, 吸引大量年輕樂迷和家庭觀眾, 他們開始四出登台表演獻藝, "Monkees" 熱潮在歐美樂壇直逼 "The Beatles" 之外, 亦引致不同類型的樂隊, 與 Punk Rock, Psychedelic 的樂迷擁躉之間, 相互對立漫罵。

1967年七月, Jimi Hendrix Experience 在美國首次亮相演唱會台上, 就是在 "The Monkees" 的巡迴表演, 任前奏嘉賓樂隊, 但是, Jimi 的迷幻音樂和粗獷外型, 卻不受 "搗蛋一族" 的少女樂迷擁躉歡迎, Jimi 的樂隊開始演出不久, 給噓聲和高呼落台聲所蓋, 令致 Jimi Hendrix 氣憤, 不惜放棄餘下來巡迴同台演出的機會。

"Daydream Believer"
Oh, I could hide 'neath the wings of the bluebird as she sings
The six o'clock alarm would never ring
But it rings and I rise wipe the sleep out of my eyes
The shavin' razor's cold, and it stings

Cheer up, sleepy Jean, oh what can it mean
To a daydream believer and a homecoming queen?

You once thought of me as a white knight on his steed
Now you know how happy I can be
Oh, and our good times start and end without dollar one to spend
But how much baby do we really need?

Cheer up, sleepy Jean, oh what can it mean
To a daydream believer and a homecoming queen?
Cheer up, sleepy Jean, oh what can it mean
To a daydream believer and a homecoming queen?

Cheer up, sleepy Jean, oh what can it mean
To a daydream believer and a homecoming queen?
Cheer up, sleepy Jean, oh what can it mean
To a daydream believer and a homecoming queen?

Cheer up, sleepy Jean, oh what can it mean
To a daydream believer and a homecoming queen?

(I'm Not Yours) Steppin' Stone"
I I I I I'm not your stepping stone
I I I I I'm not your stepping stone

You're trying to make your mark in society
Using all the tricks that you used on me.
You're reading all those high fashion magazines
The clothes you're wearin' girl are causing public scenes.

I said
I I I I I'm not your stepping stone
I I I I I'm not your stepping stone
Not your stepping stone,
Not your stepping stone.

When I first met you girl you didn't have no shoes
Now you're walking 'round like you're front page news.
You've been awful careful 'bout the friends you choose
But you won't find my name in your book of Who's Who.

I said
I I I I I'm not your stepping stone
I I I I I'm not your stepping stone
Not your stepping stone,
Not your stepping stone.