October 2, 2018

CONNIE FRANCIS - 6/1 : 樂 壇 歴 程

Connie Francis 1984年面世的自傳, 憶述四歲時父親所送的手風琴, 自此, 每天跑到音樂教室, 學習手風琴和唱歌的日子。在父親鼓勵下, 参加各項天才表演和比賽, 社區節日活動, 但他從來沒有夢想過, 女兒將來會成為歌星。

Concetta Rosa Maria Franconero
1937年十二月十二日, 生於美國, 紐約市 New York City, 布魯克林 Brooklyn, 父母是移民美國的義大利人。剛滿週歲, 全家遷往新澤西州 New Jersey, 居於意大利猶太人社區, 家中以意大利為母語之外, 還學得一口流利 Yiddish 意第緒語, 和 Hebrew 希伯來語, 成了她日後演譯多文化歌曲的優勢。

由幾歲開始表演, 至十歲参加紐約市電視台主辦的 "Star Time" 天才兒童歌唱表演, 而她是唯一表演手風琴和唱歌, 由於節目主持感到她的名字難於發音, 於是給她一個美式英語的名字, 以 "Connie Francis 亮相電視演出; 幾星期後, 監製提議她放棄手風琴而專注歌唱。自此, 在每個星期的 "Star Time" 演出, 長達四年之久。

"F R E D D Y"
由於當年代對兒童藝人的受聘規管嚴苛, 她雖然有四年電視台表演經驗的履歷, 亦難於被唱片公司接納試音; 至十七歲, 由試唱一首跟該唱片公司總裁 Harry Meyerson 的兒子同名字歌曲 "Freddy", 成功被 M-G-M Records 美高梅唱片公司簽為旗下歌手。1955年六月, 首張單曲唱片面世, A-面: Freddy, B-面: Didn't I Love You Enough, 這一張原是唱片公司總裁, 打算送給兒子的生日禮物, 卻成為銷量不佳的唱片; 繼而下來的一年, 再完成多幾張單曲細唱片, 但成績依然不甚理想。至翌年十月, 正處意興闌珊的時候, 接到來函獲得 "紐約大學 New York University" 的醫科獎學金 ....

FREDDY - Connie Francis -1955
Written by Gisela Guenther, Peter Pan, Steve Kirk and Sheldon Hernick

Freddy, my heart is filled with adoration
Freddy, you have a standin' invitation
Come and sing love's old sweet song
You've stayed away for much too long

Freddy, I know that you'be been seein' Daisy
Freddy, you drive me absolutely crazy
Lovin' you the way I do
You're gonna break my heart in two

Daisy is flashy, but she's not your type
I'll bring your slippers and light up your pipe
You can't imagine how happy we'll be
Just relax and leave the rest to me

Freddy, you used to think of me as Venus
Freddy, don't let another come between us
I can read you through and through
I know that I'm the girl for you

Once I flirted shamelessly with many, many men
I would brush them off and then I'd lead them on again
I was cold and heartless and completely unconcerned
Now I'm chasin' you and the tide has turned

Freddy........aahhh Freddy

Daisy is flashy, but she's not your type
I'll bring your slippers and light up your pipe
Oh, you can't imagine how happy we'll be
Just relax and leave the rest to me

Freddy, you used to think of me as Venus
Freddy, don't let another come between us
I can read you through and through
I know that I'm the girl for you
