October 2, 2018

CONNIE FRANCIS - 6/2 : 幽 靈 歌 手

"The Majesty of Love"
1957年秋天, Connie Francis 才能夠初嘗上榜歌曲的滋味, 與鄉搖歌手 Marvin Rainwater 兩人合唱 "The Majesty of Love", 美高梅 MGM 錄製的單曲細唱片, 它祇不過在 "U.S. Billboard Hot 100" 的九十三位而已, 其銷量亦達一百萬張。這一曲令致她仍在猶疑, 選擇返回校園或留在錄音室發展。

"THW MAJESTY OF LOVE" - Connie Francis & Marvin Rainwater
Every time you're close
When you touch me tenderly
I feel the majesty of love

Every time you hold my hand
In my heart I understand
This is the majesty of love

Only you, only you
Can hold me with one little kiss
Only you, only you
Could make me feel like this

Keep on holding me this way
We were meant to be this way
This is the majesty of love

Tell me you're forever mine
Tell me till the end of time
We'll share the majesty of love
... Love

MusiChatroom: "GHOST SINGER 幽 靈 歌 手"
六十年代, 美國荷里活正處歌舞音樂電影的潮流, 知名的影星能演之外, 歌唱的能力未必可及, 此時被稱 "Ghost Singer 幽靈歌手" 幕後代唱歌手甚為吃香。年輕的 Connie Francis 被羅致在一些青春歌舞電影, 任幕後代唱錄音工作之外, 有份参予出鏡演出的電影亦有四齣。

1956 "Rock, Rock, Rock 樂樂樂無窮"
 "I NEVER HAD A SWEETHEART" - Tuesday Weld 的幕後代唱

1957 "Jamboree 夜夜笙歌"
"SIEMPRE" - Freda Holloway 的幕後代唱和演出

1958 "The Sheriff of Fractured Jaw 糊塗人多糊塗福"  
"BILLY" - Jayne Mansfield 的幕後代唱

至1958年, Connie Francis 以一曲 "Who's Sorry Now" 令流行樂壇和唱片業界注目, 把她從幕後代唱帶到銀幕上。由1961至1965年, MGM 美高梅電影公司, 以配合少女型像, 給她任上女主角的青春浪潮電影共有四齣

"Turn On the Sunshine" 1961 "Where The Boys Are? 海灘春光"

1963 "Follow the Boys 軍艦春光"
1964 "Looking for Love 情海春光"
1965 "When the Boys Meet the Girls 花開錦繡"