January 6, 2019

AMSTERDAM - 4/3 : 電 影 與 歌 曲


Mort Shuman
一位與 Jacques Brel 惺惺相惜的創作歌手, 聽過這首歌曲之後, 他保留着 Brel 的激情, 把歌詞譯成英文。1967年, 交由 Walker Brothers 的成員 Scott Walker 作首唱錄音; 翌年, Shuman, Brel 兩人同演出百老匯舞台音樂劇 "Jacques Brel is Alive & Well and Living in Paris"。

1975年, 拍製成一齣同名字的音樂劇電影, 1981年在香港上影, 譯名:「扎克布爾之歌」; 在電影中, 飾演的士司機的 Shuman 在一家酒吧唱著 "Amsterdam" 一曲, 而飾演 Brel 本人, 則獨自坐在一個角落, 淺嚐他手中的比利時 Stella Artois 啤酒。

Mort Shuman & Jacques Brel in movie : AMSTERDAM

In the port of Amsterdam, there's a sailor who sings
Of the dreams that he brings from the wide open sea
In the port of Amsterdam, there's a sailor who sleeps
While the river-bank weeps to the old willow tree

In the port of Amsterdam, there's a sailor who dies
Full of beer, full of cries, in a drunken down fight
But in the port of Amsterdam, there's a sailor who's born
On a muggy hot morn, by the dawn's early light

In the port of Amsterdam, where the sailors all meet
There's a sailor who eats only fish-heads and -tails
And he'll show you his teeth that have rotted too soon
That can drink down the moon, that can haul up the sails

And he turns to the cook, with his arms open wide
"Bring me more fish, put it down by my side"
And he wants so to belch, but he's too full to try
So he gets up and he laughs, and he zips up his fly

In the port of Amsterdam, you can see sailors dance
Paunches bursting their pants, grinding women to paunch
They've forgotten the tune that their whiskey-voice croaks
Splitting the night with the roar of their jokes

And they turn and they dance and they laugh and they lust
Til the rancid sound of the accordion bursts
And it's into the night with their pride in their pants
And the slut that they tow underneath the streetlamps

In the port of Amsterdam there's a sailor who drinks
And he drinks, and he drinks, and he drinks once again
He drinks to the health of the whores of Amsterdam
Who have promised their love to a thousand other men

They have bargained their bodies, their virtues all gone
For a few dirty coins, and when he can't go on
He puts his nose in the air, and he wipes it up above
And he pisses like I cry for an unfaithful love

In the port of Amsterdam, in the port of Amsterdam
In the port of Amsterdam

1967年, Scott Walker 首次演繹 "Amsterdam" 的英文版本, 他依循着 Brel 和 Shuman 此曲的格調, 以强而有力的腔調, 把歌詞中的人物、生活環境和氣氛, 像一幅色調深沉的油畫, 把這個城市悲凉和淒迷的一面, 以歌曲描繪出來。

NEXT ....AMSTERDAM - 4 : 歌 曲 的 生 命