June 1, 2019

一切由 "BOGEY" 開始 - 5/2 : "Ugly Woman"《猛虎灣情殺案》

Marry an Ugly Woman

Roaring Lion (1908-1999) 原名 Rafael de Leon, 生於中美洲 Caribbean 加勒比海 Trinidad 千里達; 一位出色的 "Calypso 卡力騷" 作曲家歌手, 自三十年代開始其音樂生涯, 六十多年來最出色的歌曲作品不少, 包括 "Netty, Netty", "Marry Ann" 和1934年的作品 "Marry and Ugly Woman"(1941年改名為 "Ugly Woman"), 在1959年的電影 "Tiger Bay"《猛虎灣情殺案》劇情中的婚禮由街頭樂隊演奏。1963年改編為 Jimmy Soul 的 U.S. Billboard Hot 100 歌曲 "If You Wanna Be Happy"。

聽歌? 不用急, 電影要先睹為快, 你會忘掉這個 "大銅鑼" 嗎? 

"Tiger Bay"《猛虎灣情殺案》Full Movie - 1959

John Mills 尊 米路士
Horst Buchholz 賀滋保 荷斯
Hayley Mills  希莉 美露絲

UGLY WOMAN (1941) - "Roaring Lion" Rafael de Leon (1908-1999)
If you want to be happy and live a king's life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
If you want to be happy and live a king's life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
All you gotta do is just as I say
And then you would be jolly, merry and gay
That's from a logical point of view
Always love a woman uglier than you.

A pretty woman makes her husband look small
Ah mean, and very often cause his downfall
As soon as she marry, there and then she'll start
To do the things that would break his heart
When you think that she's belonging to you
She's calling somebody else doudou too
Therefore from a logical point of view
Always love a woman uglier than you.

But if you make an ugly woman your wife,
You can be sure you'll be happy in all your life
For she would never do things in a funny way
To allow the neighbours to have anything to say
And she wouldn't disregard her husband at all
By exhibiting herself to Peter and Paul
So from a logical point of view
Always love a woman uglier than you

An ugly woman gives you your meals on time
And always try to make you happy in mind
At nights when you lay up on your cozy bed
She will coax, caress you and scratch your head
And like a bird call you nice names as "silver beak",
"Toy", "chunks" or even "sucrier martinique"
So from a logical point of view
Always love a woman uglier than you

Matters not your friends might say that you have no taste
But love an ugly woman about this place
One who is cute looking, barbarous and rough
With a skin like alligator, humpy and tough
Yampee and mud ll into her eye
And around her lips a Confirmation bow tie
So from a logical point of view
Always love a woman uglier than you.