January 1, 2020

JANIS IAN - 8/1 : "Hair Of Spun Gold"

原名字 Janis Eddy Fink, 1951年四月七日, 在紐約市 New York City, Bronx Borough 的醫院出世, 而家居新澤西州 New Jersey 南部的農舍, 一個猶太裔自由主義者的家庭。父親 Victor Fink 原是從業家禽農場, 後轉任音樂教師, 母親任侍應同時從事學術籌款活動; 父母對社會民生甚為關注, 在當地辦了一個少年夏令營之外, 還参予和支持各類政治運動, 因而導致美國 "聯邦調查局 FBI" 對他們的家庭作秘密調查, 與及對夏令營展開監視。

Janis Ian 自幼愛上音樂, 四歲學習鋼琴, 十歲學會彈奏結他, 十二歲, 第一首歌曲作品 "Hair of Spun Gold" 在夏令營唱出之後, 被認為是少女版 Bob Dylan。繼而, 被一本以 Bob Dylan 和 Pete Seeger 的文章為首, 介紹非主流民歌資訊的地下雜誌 "Broadside" 注目, 並邀請她前赴紐約市 New York City 格林威治村 Greenwich Village 参予公開演唱; 一個小女孩, 在這個嬉皮士朝聖之地出現, 引起民歌樂壇很大的迴響。

Janis Ian 自幼已認識和喜歡 Joan Baez 和 Odetta 的歌曲, 視兩人為偶像, 常在家裡彈奏她們的歌曲。隨著年紀, 她還精通了彈奏風琴, 四弦琴, 口琴和法國管號。直至全家遷移至紐約市後, 她入讀當地的音樂與藝術學院, 常在校內的音樂聚會表演以一展所長。

年十二歲完成的作品 "Hair of Spun Gold" 經暴光後, 四年後被收錄在一張以 "JANIS IAN" 同名的專輯, 由 Verve Forecast 唱片公司印製,
1967年面世, 亦是時年衹有十六歲的 Janis Ian 首張專輯唱片。翌年, 這首出自十二歲女孩, 格調簡樸的民歌作品, 由愛爾蘭 Ireland 女民歌手 Deena Webster 翻唱, 其演繹更充滿着歐陸傳統民歌的味道。

1. Society's Child
2. Go 'Way Little Girl
3. Hair Of Spun Gold
4. Then Tangles Of My Mind
5. I'll Give You A Stone If You'll Throw It (Changing Tyme)
6. Pro-Girl

1. Younger Generation Blues
2. New Christ Cardiac Hero
3. Lover Be Kindly
4. Mrs. McKenzie
5. Janey's Blues

HAIR OF SPUN GOLD - Janis Ian 1967
When I was just the age of five
My world had just come live
Wonderous things to see and be done
All that I could think of was fun

With hair of spun gold
Lips of ruby red
And eyes as deep as the deepest sea

When I was just the age of ten
My life had been changed again
I threw away all my childish toys
And worked on getting noticed by boys

And when I was just thirteen years of age
Going steady was all the rage
My mother picked out the cutest boy
My little leather-jacketed toy

And hair of spun gold
Turned to black as night
And the ruby red lips
Turned to pale pink

When I was fifteen years of age
He had my hand in marriage
And when fifteen years of age
In my arms I held my babe

And now I'm twenty-one
And I feel my life's over and done
And I'm looking down on my little child
Wondering, wondering if she'll be so wild

She's got hair of spun gold
Lips of ruby red
And eyes as deep as the deepest sea

When I'm looking down on my little child
I swear she'll have the time
There'll be time to love
There'll be time to learn
But childish memories she won't burn
We'll find time to laugh
We'll find time to play
She won't have to throw her toys away
I swear to you we'll wait for time
To take its time

HAIR OF SPUN GOLD - Deena Webster - 1968