June 4, 2020

POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE - 3/3 : The King's Way / Song of Liberty

Pomp and Circumstance, Op.39 
六個樂章之中, March No.1 in D major 被英王 Edward VII 愛德華七世建議撰上歌詞, 成為加冕典禮樂曲 "Coronation Ode" 的完結篇 "Land of Hope and Glory"; 及後, 被認為是英聯邦非官方的 England 英格蘭國歌; 而樂章: March No.4 in G major ...

1898年, London 倫敦市政府規劃興建一條大道, 連接 High Holborn 與 Aldwych, 因此要將 Holborn 區內的貧民社區清拆和安置遷移。

1905年, 工程完成準備啟用, 大道命名已選定的名字有 Empire Avenue, Imperial Avenue, King Edward VII Street 和 Connecticut Avenue; 由於英王 Edward VII 愛德華七世為啟用禮嘉賓, 大道取名 "Kingsway"。

Pomp and Circumstance, Op.39
March No.4 in G major
Edward Elgar 的作品 Pomp and Circumstance, Op.39, 第四篇樂章 March No.4 in G major 於1907年完成; 兩年後, 他的妻子 Caroline Alice Elgar 亦是作詞家, 取這篇樂曲撰上歌詞, 完成一曲 "The King's Way" 來歌頌興建這條大道, 歌曲的印刷品由出版商 Boosey 印製發行。及後, 此曲由 Clara Butt 在 Alexandra Palace 雅麗珊宮的音樂會首次演唱, 可惜沒有錄音記載。

"The King's Way" - Edward Elgar
BBC Concert Orchestra conducted by Barry Wordsworth
Mezzo-soprano: Kathryn Rudge 2018

The newest street in London town,
The Kingsway, the Kingsway!
The newest street in London town,
Who'll pace it up and pace it down?
The brave, the strong, who strive and try,
And think and work, who fight and die
To make their England's royal way
The King's Way, the King's Way!

The noblest street in London town,
The Kingsway, the Kingsway!
The noblest street in London town,
The stir of life beats up and down;
In serried ranks the sabres shine,
And Art and Craft and Thought divine,
All crowd and fill the great highway,
The Kingsway, the Kingsway!

On dreary roads in London town
The sick and poor sink sadly down in gloom:
But grace and pity meet
When King and Queen stretch hands and greet
The weary ones;
This, they say,
Our King's way, and our Queen's way.
There is a path across the deep,
The King's Way, the King's Way!

There's a path across the deep,
A path the Island ships shall keep;
A way by which to those we win,
Whose hands we clasp, whose hearts are kin,
England's sons across the sea;
They too will fight to keep it free:
Let ev'ry voice in England say,
"God keep the way by night and day,
The King of England's Way!"
The King's Way, the King's Way!

1934年, Edward Elgar 去世, 至1940年, 小說文學作家 A.P.Herbert (1890-1971) 取得允許, 以 March No.4 in G major 的樂譜, 撰上新歌詞, 完成另一首被認為是大不列顛的愛國歌曲 "Song of Liberty", 其歌詞成為世界二戰期間一首振奮英聯邦軍民的作品。今天, 在大多數的軍樂演奏, 衹唱出第二副歌而已。

Pomp and Circumstance, Op.39 March No. 4 in G major

SONG OF LIBERTY - from March, No. 4 by Edward Elgar 1907
Lyric: A.P.Herbert (1890-1971)
The Welsh Guards and the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and the Morriston Orpheus Choir

Verse 1
Fight for freedom, ev'ryone.
Build the ship and man the gun.
Do as you have never done
To set the people free.
We, the few, the happy free,
Will fly the flags of Liberty,
Blow the horns of Liberty! Liberty!
Till the world is free.

Chorus 1
All men must be free.
March for Liberty with me.
Brutes and braggarts may
Have their little day,
We shall never bow the knee.

God is drawing his sword.
We are marching with the Lord.
Sing, then, brother, sing,
Giving ev'rything,
All you are and hope to be,
To set the peoples free.

Verse 2
Wake and watch and work and win,
Fight and farm and sew and spin,
Fall the faithful people in
To set the peoples free.
But the day the battle's won,
Make the world a better one! Better one!
When the world is free.

Chorus 2
All men must be free.
March for Liberty with me.
Brutes and braggarts may
Have their little day,
We shall never bow the knee.

God is drawing his sword.
We are marching with the Lord.
Sing, then, brother, sing,
Giving ev'rything,
All you are and hope to be,
To take the torch across the sea
And set the peoples,
Keep the peoples free.