February 2, 2021

THE EVERLY BROTHERS - 12/10 : 英 倫 入 侵

英 倫 入 侵
1963年, Everly Brothers 在流行樂壇快登上高峰之時, The Beatles 崛起, 樂隊的第二張單曲 "Please Please Me" 首次打進美國流行樂壇, 令兄弟兩人遇上對手, 而開始感到迷失方向, 在搖滾熱潮中漸漸改變, 由原來木結他和弦彈奏的鄉謠音樂, 加入大型樂隊伴奏, 旋律由舒𣈱變成節拍急重强勁, 二重和唱的腔調幾乎被音樂掩蓋, 在不知不覺間, 失去了福音與鄉村搖滾之間的歌曲風格。

"All I Have To Do Is Dream" & "Cathy's Clown"- The Everly Brothers
1957年三月, Don 與女友 Mary Sue Ingraham 因奉子承婚, 由於 Tennessee 田納西州法律, 二十一歲以下未經父母同意的結姻屬違法, 因而私奔驅車前往 Georgia 佐治亞州 Ringgold 辦理結婚, 及後, 至十月嬰兒出世不久便告夭折。1959年, 再誕下女兒, 取名 Venetia Ember, 這名字是來自两年前, Don 在電視名主持人 Ed Sullivan 的節目, 認識了電視新人 Venetia Stevenson, 女兒因而取她的名字 Venetia。
1960年初, 與妻子宣告分居, Don 和弟弟 Phil 搬到 Hollywood 荷里活居住開始從事演藝職業。自此, Don 與 Venetia Stevenson 一起, 至1961年, 妻子 Mary Sue 提出離婚, 理由是受到身體虐待, 曾有一次被 Don 踢在她的肚上; 法官對 Mary Sue 的申訴作出裁定, 認為 Don 這種殘酷和不人道的行為, 對同妻子是極不安全, 甚至離婚後亦不能夠讓他的女友 Venetia 在場下約見女兒。1962年, Don 與 Venetia Stevenson 再婚, 之後他不再承認前度婚姻的女兒。

在樂壇業界早已有傳 Don 私底下是唯恐在樂壇會被 The Beatles 取代; 儘管這是歌手和樂隊, 甚至兄弟之間, 為了名利功過與得失, 爭相或對峙的事情常會發生。1983年二月, Phil Everly 第二張個人單曲細唱片面世, 當中的 "She Means Nothing To Me" 卻由英國貓王 Cliff Richard 任和唱, 成為英美歌手合作的經典歌曲, 亦是流行樂壇的歴史記錄之一。歌曲是來自威爾斯創作歌手 John David 的作品, 他亦是這張唱片的主結他手, B-面 "A Man and A Woman" 是 Phil Everly 和 Terry Slater 共同作品, 在美國未被受注目, 在英國登上 UK Single Chart 單曲榜第九位。翌年, Cliff Richard 把歌曲收錄在他的專輯 "The Rock Connection", 這次 John David 在専輯當中的 "She Means Nothing To me" 一曲, 任主音結他手之外, 亦是此曲的和唱歌手。

SHE MEANS NOTHING TO ME - Phil Everly & Cliff Richard 1983
Oh well here she comes now oh I'm on the run now
Pretending just pretending that I don't see her
Just to teach her but darling how much longer
Can I keep on living this lie

She means nothing to me
She means nothing to me
I'm still as free as a bird
Don't care what you heard about me

She means nothing to me no more
Oh she's my world oh not just some girl
Harder it's getting harder to fool anyone
Not just her but I act like a man

She'd expect me to
No tears win her respect
握Who am I fooling if I can't fool me
Who believes what their eyes don't see

But I keep on lying
She means nothing to me
She means nothing to me
I'm still as free as a bird

Don't care what you heard about me
She means nothing to me no more
All my dreams are depending on her
And how good I am at pretending that

She means nothing to me
She means nothing to me (haven't you heard)
I'm still as free as a bird
Don't care what you heard about me

She means nothing to me no more
She means nothing to me
She means nothing to me (haven't you heard)
I'm still as free as a bird

Don't care what you heard about me
She means nothing to me no more
She means nothing to me
She means nothing to me (haven't you heard)

I'm still as free as a bird
Don't care what you heard about me
She means nothing to me no more

SHE MEANS NOTHING TO ME - Cliff Richard (John David) - 1983