February 2, 2021

THE EVERLY BROTHERS - 12/9 : 風 格 保 守

原唱版本是 Cadence Records 唱片公司旗下的女子四人組合 "The Chordettes" 1959年的錄音, 但完成後卻没有印製唱片, 而她們最為樂迷認識的歌曲不少, 包括1954年 "Mr. Sandman"。
1962年, Everly Brothers 已經加入 Warner Bros. Record 華納公司成為合約歌手, 兄弟两人亦收錄了這一曲 "That's Old Fashioned" (That's The Way Love Should Be), 唱片公司以順應潮流, 放棄以往保守風格和的節奏, 動用大型樂隊作錄音伴奏, 同年四月面世之後, 亦登上 U.S. Billboard Hot 100 流行榜第九位, 這亦是 Everly Brothers 繼 "Crying In The Rain" 之後, 在美國流行歌曲榜上, 最後一首能夠登榜上前十名之內的歌曲, 之後再少有歌曲在流行榜上較高的席位, 甚至在百名之內亦寥寥可數。

"That's Old Fashioned" (That's The Way Love Should Be) - 1962
Written by Bill Giant, Bernie Baum, Florence Kaye
We hold hands in the movie show
so they say that we're old fashioned
or we stroll beneath the silvery moon
and we carve our initials in the old oak tree.
That's old fashioned.
That's the way love should be.

We enjoy sitting side by side
in the booth at the ice cream parlor
where we play the nickelodeon
and we dance when we hear our favorite melody.
That's old fashioned.
That's the way love should be.

It's a modern changing world
everything is moving fast.
But when it comes to love I like
what they did in the past.

I'm the kind who loves only one
so the boys say I'm old fashioned.
Let them laugh, honey I don't mind.
I've made plans for a wedding day for you and me.
That's old fashioned.
That's the way love should be.
        "That's Old Fashioned" - The Chordettes - 1959 recording

Everly 兄弟簽約成為 Warner Bros. Records 華納公司的歌手之後, 而能夠演繹這一曲 "That's Old Fashioned" 是由於他們在 Cadence Records 的時期, Phil 已開始追求公司老闆 Archie Bleyer 的繼女 Jackie Ertel Bleyer, 而她的母親就是 "The Chordettes" 女子組合四位成員之一, 亦是公司老闆娘的 Janet Ertel Bleyer。
Phil Everly 自己撰寫的作品, 一篇與 Jackie Bleyer 結婚前三年的回憶, 歌曲交由未來岳父的唱片公司 Cadence Records 印製和發行是不在話下了, 1960年五月唱片面世即登 U.S. Billboard Hot 100 流行榜第八位。
Phil 與 Jackie 經歴五年愛情長跑, 1963年一月, 在 New York City 紐約市步入教堂成婚。1964年, Cadence Records 唱片公司宣告結束, Archie Bleyer 亦把公司大部份的唱片錄音聲軌賣掉。 

1966年, 完成兵役, 同年誕下兒子 Phillip Jason; 不過, 這段由戀愛至結婚合共十二年的愛情, 至1970年二月, 因 Jackie Bleyer 申辦離婚, 由分居開始再為爭取兒子撫養權一事, 擾攘至1972年才完成離婚和放棄撫養兒子。幾個月後, Phil Everly 的第二段婚姻, 妻子 Patricia Mickey。
1975年, Linda Ronstadt 把歌詞段節重編, 修改成女版 "When Will I Be Loved", 亦登 U.S. Billboard Hot 100 流行榜上, 更高至的第二位, Country Chart 鄉謠歌曲榜首位。


WHEN WILL I BE LOVED - The Everly Brothers 1960
Written by Phil Everly
I've been made blue
I've been lied to
When will I be loved?

I've been turned down
I've been pushed 'round
When will I be loved?

When I meet a new girl
That I want for mine
She always breaks my heart in two
It happens every time

I've been cheated
Been mistreated
When will I be loved?

When I meet a new girl
That I want for mine
She always… 

WHEN WILL I BE LOVED - Linda Ronstadt
I've been cheated, been mistreated
When will I be loved

I've been put down, I've been pushed 'round
When will I be loved

When I find a new man that I want for mine
Always breaks my heart in two, it happens every time

I've been made blue, I've been lied to
When will I be loved

When I find a new man that I want for mine
Always breaks my heart in two, it happens every time

I've been cheated, been mistreated
When will I be loved
When will I be loved
Tell me when will I be loved