July 1, 2021


"I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen"

一首被大多數樂迷認為是 Ireland 愛爾蘭民歌, 在美國流行樂壇其影響力是重要歌曲之一。根據 "Library of Congress 美國國會圖書館" 的資料, 此曲是一位不俱名氣, 業餘曲詞人的稀有作品。

Thomas P. Westendorf 德國裔美國人, 1848年生於 Virginia 維珍尼亞州, 在 Indiana 印第安那州 Hendricks County, 小鎮 Plainfield 公立學校任音樂老師;  妻子思鄉, 返回 New York 紐約州 Ogdensburg 娘家之後, 對妻子惦念, 倍感孤寂。

"Barney, Take Me Home Again"
一天, 收到摯友 George W. Brown 贈他一篇以筆名 George W. Presley 譜曲, Arthur W. French 撰詞的作品, 内容是妻子返回遠在彼岸的家鄉, 對丈夫表達感謝, 旦願以後再可重返家鄉。一篇獻贈給個人的作品, 及後衹有印刷文本記載, 從沒有錄製唱片。

"Barney, Take Me Home Again" - 1875
Music: George W. Persley
Lyrics: A.W. French

Barney, dear, I'd give the world
To see my home across the sea
Where all the days were joy impearled
Before I went to roam with thee

I long beneath its roof to rest
Where never comes a care or pain
In all the earth it is the best
Oh, Barney, take me home again

Oh, take me home, yes, take me home
To where my heart will feel no pain
I'll go with thee across the sea
Oh, barney, take me home again

Barney, dear, in happy dreams
I live once more the dear old days
By flowery dells and sunkissed streams
Sweet recollection fondly strays

I see each well remembered face
And hear their voices glad refrain
As memory its steps retrace
Oh, Barney, take me home again

Oh, take me home, yes, take me home
To where my heart will feel no pain
I'll go with thee across the sea
Oh, barney, take me home again

Barney, dear, why did we roam
To seek a fortune in the west
When love and peace in that old home
Were better than all the rest

For what is fame and wealth and all
When life is dark with care or pain
The past is far beyond recall
Oh, Barney, take me home again

Oh, take me home, yes, take me home
To where my heart will feel no pain
I'll go with thee across the sea
Oh, barney, take me home again

"I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen"
Thomas P. Westendorf 收到摯友贈予的大作 "Barney, Take Me Home Again" 之後, 以一曲 "I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen" 作回應, 籍此曲深表對妻子的關愛, 並承諾她會得償所願, 再返回家鄉與母親相敘; 歌曲的旋律是基於德國作曲家、鋼琴家、管風琴家和指揮家 Felix Mendelssohn 的小提琴樂曲 "Violin Concerto in E Flat Minor Opus 64 Second Movement"

Felix Mendelssohn "Violin Concerto in E Flat Minor Opus 64 Second Movement"

"Response Song 回應歌曲"
妻子的心願已償, 與丈夫的再一承諾, 兩首同是美國內戰後十一年, 1875年的民歌, 及後成為美國流行樂壇的 "Response Song" 典範; 歌曲名字、人物 "Barney" 與 "Kathleen" 並非真有其人, 恰巧是愛爾蘭男女普遍的名字, 由於離鄉別井的內容, 觸發起愛爾蘭裔美國人的思鄉情懷, 因此, 兩篇作品被視為愛爾蘭民歌亦順理成章, 與歷史上任何一首愛爾蘭民歌, 包括由英國人執筆撰詞的經典作品 ORIGINAL & REMADE "Danny Boy" 大可相提並論。
"I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen"
1875年的作品, 三十二年之後, 由 Ernest Pike 在1907年作首次錄製唱片, 可惜沒有聲頻記載, 繼而有近七十位歌手的版本, 當中 Bing Crosby, The Platters, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, 最感人就是 Elvis Presley 的演繹!

"I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen" - Elvis Presley (1973)