January 6, 2022

SCARBOROUGH FAIR - 6/2 : "The Elfin Knight"

"The Elfin Knight"《精靈騎士》
"The Wind Hath Blawn My Plaid Awa", 後稱 "The Elfin Knight 精靈騎士" 的古老蘇格蘭語民謠, 自十七世紀在英國坊間廣傳之後, 有文獻記載, 以這首民謠的内容為題, 引申至不同曲目名字, 再由每個曲目引申至其他版本, 如此類推伸延下去, 雖然全是不同曲目名字、曲調、歌詞、年份和創作人, 但内容同是源自這首古舊的民謠; 就以英國本土和歐美國家的民謠歌曲集所記載, 這民謠自面世以來, 往後陸續延伸下去的不同曲目, 有文字或聲頻記錄的版本近千個, 當然亦包括後來在流行樂壇的經典 "Scarborough Fair"。
Bertrand Harris Bronson - 1959

A True Lover of Mine
An Acre of Land
Blow, Ye Winds, Blow
Cape Ann
Every Rose is Bonny in Time - 1910
Every Rose Grows Merry in Time - Sara Cleveland 1966
Flim-a-Lim-a-Lee - Lawrence "Larry" Older 1963
Go and Make Me a Cambric Shirt - 1939
Jockey's Lamentation - 1719
Lord John 
Love's Impossibilities
My Plaid away - 1710
My Father Gave Me an Acre of Ground
O'er The Hills and Far Awa' - 1755
Oh, Marry In Time - The Blue Sky Boys - 1965
Oh, Say, Do You Know The Way To Selin? - 1937
Oure The Hills and Far Awa - 1866
Petticoat Lane
Redio-Tedio - 1929
Rose de Marian Time - 1935
Rosemary and Thyme - Mrs. Allie Long Parker 1958
Rosemary Lane - Elizabeth "Liz" Jefferies 1976
Save Rosemary and Thyme
Scarbro Fair
The Deil's Courting
The Deil's Courtship
The Parsley Vine
The Sea Side/The Elfin Knight - 1907
The Shirt of Lace
The Six Questions
The Wind Has Blown My Plaid Away
Then You Shall be a True Lover of Mine - 1909
True Lover of Mine - 1909
'Twas in That Year" - 1755
Twixt Berwick and Lyne
Will He No Come Back Again? - 1866   

"The Elfin Knight"《精靈騎士》
美國教育家和民謠歌曲學者 Francis James Child (1825-1896), 亦是 Harvard University 哈佛大學一位修辭學和演講學教授, 1876年, 被任命為大學第一位英語教授, 這職位令他能夠專注於學術研究, 在這段時間開始創作童謠。他把三百首英格蘭和蘇格蘭的 "Child Ballads 兒童歌謠" 收集下來, 加上美國的改體版民謠, 同編製成名為 The English and Scottish Popular Ballad《英國和蘇格蘭流行民謠》的十册合集本, 由1882年至1898年間出版, 當中源自 "The Elfin Knight" 已經有不同曲目名字和歌詞共十三首。
歌 詞 連 結:

1956年, 民歌創作歌手 Ewan MacColl 取其中的節段再經編撰, 歌曲收錄在 Ewan MacColl 和 Peggy Seeger 的專輯唱片 "Classic Scots Ballads", 以原著作品的蘇格蘭語文來演繹, 可惜未受樂迷注目, 至2018年為止, 有聲頻和文字記載的版本衹共五個而已。
1956 - Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger
THE ELFIN KNIGHT - Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger 1956
There stands three trumpeters on yon hill
Blaw, blaw, blaw winds, blaw
Blaw their trumpets sae loud and shrill
And the wind blaws aye my plaid awa'
Gin I'd his trumpet in my kist
Blaw, blaw, blaw winds, blaw
And were in the lad's arms that I like best
And the wind blaws aye my plaid awa'
Gin ye would be wed wi' me
Blaw, blaw, blaw winds, blaw
There's ae thing ye maun dae for me
And the wind blaws aye my plaid awa'
I maun hae a fine linen sark
Blaw, blaw, blaw winds, blaw
Without a stitch o' needlewark
And the wind blaws aye my plaid awa'
Ye maun(must) wash it in yon draw-well
Blaw, blaw, blaw winds, blaw
Where water never sprang nor fell
And the wind blaws aye my plaid awa'
Ye maun drt't on yon hawthorn
Blaw, blaw, blaw winds, blaw
That hasna seen blossom since man was born
And the wind blaws aye my plaid awa'
Gin I mak'a sark for thee
Blaw, blaw, blaw winds, blaw
There's ae thing ye maun tae me dae
And the wind blaws aye my plaid awa'
My faither has an acre o' land
Blaw, blaw, blaw winds, blaw
Ye maun ploo it wi' your ae hand
And the wind blaws aye my plaid awa'
Ye maun sow it wantin' corn
Blaw, blaw, blaw winds, blaw
And roll it wi' a sheep's shank-bone
And the wind blaws aye my plaid awa'
Ye maun shear it wi' a scythe o' leather
Blaw, blaw, blaw winds, blaw
And bind it wi' a peacock's feather
And the wind blaws aye my plaid awa'
Ye maun stook it in the sea
Blaw, blaw, blaw winds, blaw
And bring the wheatsheaf dry tae me
And the wind blaws aye my plaid awa'
And gin you wark noo all this wark
Blaw, blaw, blaw winds, blaw
Come to me and you'll get your sark
And the wind blaws aye my plaid awa'