March 6, 2022

VOICE CROSSING 交織叠聲 - 4/1 : Patti Page / The Pink Floyd

"Voice Crossing 交織叠聲" 
Simon & Garfunkel 的經典 "Scarborough Fair/Canticle", 以 "Counterpoint 對位" 二重和唱的演繹, 在歌曲結構上與 "Voice Crossing 交織叠聲" 不同, 後者在歐西流行歌曲常有出現, 在錄音科技之下, 有不少歌手以自己的腔調, 把和唱分開聲軌收錄, 令歌曲聽來更加協調和舒暢。

 《Voice Crossing 交織叠聲》
突破了唱片業的錄音進程, 令唱片公司可以減低製作成本, 而放棄僱用任何背後和唱歌手, 亦由於當年常發生音樂業界罷工, 藉此可以減少聘用樂手成員。時至今天, 多聲軌錄音已成為流行樂壇不可或缺的錄製技術, 對一些較為着重劇情式歌曲演繹的樂隊如 "The Queen" 與 "The Pink Floyd" 等, 在臺上現場表演, 與及在錄音室的有限空間, 同是採用 "Voice Crossing 交織叠聲", 創造出歌曲的戲劇意境和效果。
"CONFESS" Patti Page
Nat King Cole 1947年十一月首唱, 至1948年五月為止, 合共有七個版本面世, 之後, 再沒有翻唱的記錄, 這七個版本同用上"Voice Crossing 交織叠聲"二重和唱錄製, 其中之一是 Patti Page 在流行樂壇的第三張單曲唱片, Mercury Records 唱片公司作大胆嘗試, 全曲交由 Patti 把主歌與及背後和唱分開收錄, 以 "Sound on Sound" 多聲軌印製唱片, 並登上1948年度"Hot 100"流行榜第八十位, 亦是 Patti Page 在流行樂壇的第一首上榜歌曲, 自此, 大多數她的歌曲經重叠錄音, 以她個人腔調的二重和唱, 令人聽來更協調和諧。 

"CONFESS' - Patti Page 1948
Voice Crossing 交織叠聲:
    Confess, confess
Why don't you confess?    
    Say yes, say yes
I wish you'd reveal to me  
    Reveal to me
The way that you feel
    Why don't you tell me the way that you feel?

    Confess, confess
It isn't a crime
    Oh no, no crime
To open your heart to me
    Confide in me
And say that you're mine
    Why don't ya tell me you're gonna be mine?

How long can I go waiting?
For a tender word from you
The sweetest rose starts fading
When the sunshine won't come through

    Confess, confess
Please don't make me guess
    Don't make me guess
If you really care for me
    If you should care
Then darling confess

How long can I go waiting?
For a tender word from you
The sweetest rose starts fading
When the sunshine won't come through

    Confess, confess
Please don't make me guess
    Don't make me guess
If you really care for me
    If you should care
Then darling confess
From morning to night, I stayed out of sight
Didn't recognize I'd become
No more than alive, I'd barely survive
In a word overrun
Voice Crossing 交織叠聲:
Won't hear a sound  
    he's curled into the corner
From my mouth  
    but still the screen is flickering
I've spent too long  
    with an endless stream of garbage
On the inside out  
    curse the place

My skin is cold  
    in a sea of random images
To the human touch  
    the self-destructing animal
This bleeding heart's  
    waiting for the waves
Not beating much  
    to break

I murmured a vow of silence and now
I don't even hear when I think aloud
Extinguished by light, I turn on the night
Wear its darkness with an empty smile

I'm creeping back to life
My nervous system all awry
I'm wearing the inside out

Look at him now
He's paler somehow
But he's coming round

He's starting to choke
It's been so long since he spoke
Well, he can have the words right from my mouth

And with these words, I can see
Clear through the clouds that covered me
Just give it time then speak my name
Now we can hear ourselves again
Voice Crossing 交織叠聲:
I'm holding out 
    he's standing on the threshold
For the day  
    caught in fiery anger
When all the clouds  
    and hurled into the furnace
Have blown away  
    he'll curse the place

I'm with you now  
    he's torn in all directions
Can speak your name  
    and still the screen is flickering
Now we can hear  
    waiting for the flames
Ourselves again  
    to break