December 10, 2022

AN AMERICAN TRILOGY《 美國三部曲 》3/1 - 北美殖民地歴史 與 歌曲

"Mason-Dixon Line" 歴 史 
十八世紀中葉, 法國和西班牙在北美洲有殖民地之外, 不列顛王國在北美洲大西洋沿海的殖民地當中, 由於 Pennsylvania 和 Maryland 的州界糢糊不清, 與及 Delaware 東西兩面的界線劃分引起糾紛, 最終要交由英國天文學測量家 Jeremiah Dixion 和測量家 Charles Mason, 從1763年至1767年完成地界勘測, 經多方確認後, 以一條命名為 "Mason-Dixon Line" 的分界線把問題解决。

"Independence War 獨 立 戰 爭"
及後, 不列顛王國在三大殖民區域: 新英格蘭的 New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, 中部的 New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, 和南部的 South Carolina, North Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia 共十三個殖民州郡, 開始實行徵收額外稅項, 引致各州政府與王國的關係日趨惡化, 因而迫使他們同謀策劃獨立革命, 加上在法國與西班牙的殖民州郡支持下, 1775年四月十九日發動獨立戰爭, 至1776年七月四日宣佈成立 "United States of America 美利堅合眾國", 繼而對不列顛王國展開戰爭。
1783年九月三日戰爭結束, 不列顛王國戰敗並放棄其三大區域的殖民地管治, 十三個州組成的合眾國宣告獨立; 國旗以十三顆星和十三條紅白條紋, 象徵由十三個州郡促成獨立戰爭並組成合眾國。1789年, 由時任軍官 George Washington 佐治·華盛頓, 為美利堅合眾國首任總統; 自此之後, 國旗上每加一顆星, 則代表新加入合眾國的一個州。
獨立之後, "Mason-Dixon Line" 成為南北各州的地域劃分, 至1861年, 美利堅合眾國共有三十四個州, 在北部十九個自稱 "Free States 自由州", 在南部十五個被稱為 "Slave States 蓄奴州", 其南下腹地當中有六個更被稱 "Cotton States 棉花州", 包括 Mississippi, Lousiana, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama 和 Georgia, 他們全以非洲黑奴來維持其農業體系, 尤其是棉花農田的勞動力需求甚大, 因而成為買賣奴隸市場, 這亦引致奴隸買賣的糾紛、勞役和黑奴逃走事件經常發生。
1838 - 奴隸主懸紅 "$150  R E W A R D"
R A N A W A Y from the subscriber, on the night of the 2d instant, a negro man, who calls himself Henry May, about 22 years old, 5 feet 6 or 8 inches high, ordinary color, rather chunky built, bushy head, and has it divided mostly on one side, and keeps it very nicely combed; has been raised in the house, and is a first rate dining-room servant, and was in a tavern in Louisville for 18 months. I expect he is now in Louisville trying to make his escape to a free state, (in all probability to Cincinnati, Ohio.) Perhaps he may try to get employment on a steamboat. He is a good cook, and is handy in any capacity as a house servant. Had on when he left, a dark cassinett coatee, and dark striped cassinett pantaloons, new-he had other clothing. I will give $50 reward if taken in Louisville; 100 dollars if taken one hundred miles from Louisville in this State, and 150 dollars if taken out of this State, and delivered to me, or secured in any jail so that I can get him again.
WILLIAM BURKE, Bardstown, Ky., September 3d, 1838. 
由於黑奴買賣、勞役和逃走事件頻生, 迫使北部 "Free States 自由州" 提議國會制訂法案以廢除黑奴, 令致南部六個 "Cotton States 棉花州" 不滿, 率先發動反抗, 加上其中七個 "Slave States 蓄奴州" North Carolina, Arkansas, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri 和 Texas 同脫離合眾國聯邦, 並組成 "Confederate States of America 美利堅聯盟國", 以聯盟南軍的兵力去對抗 Union 聯邦北軍的進駐和管治。1861年展開內戰, 至1865年, 聯盟國南軍不敵, 南北統一並解放黑奴; 自此, 不再有 "Free States 自由州" 和 "Slave States 蓄奴州" 的分野, 衹把南部州郡統稱為 Dixie's Land、Dixieland 或暱稱 "DIXIE"。  

"DIXIE"  歌 曲 
又名為 "I Wish I Was in Dixie Land", 是一首民間生活寫照的歌曲, 在美國南部流傳甚廣, 曲詞是作家 Daniel Emmett 1859年的作品, 他亦是美國南方第一個 "黑臉吟遊詩人表演團 The Virginia Minstrels" 的創始人, 他扮成黑人, 把面孔塗黑, 在每次表演完畢時更以此曲作謝幕, 在美國南北內戰時期, 這一曲實際上曾被南部聯盟用作國歌。

"DIXIE" 這首歌亦是美國第十六任總統 Abraham Lincoln 亞伯拉罕·林肯的摯愛, 在他的政治集會, 特别在宣佈南軍 Robert E. Lee 將軍投降時的指定歌曲。至今, 這歌曲成為不少美國人對南方歴史文化的重温。
"I Wish I Was In Dixie Land" - Confederate Song         "DIXIE" Union Version by Tennessee Ernie Ford 
內戰時期, 北部 "Union 聯邦" 以一曲 "Union Dixie" 回應南部 "Confederate 聯盟" 的歌曲 "Dixie" 或 "I Wish I Was in Dixie Land", 歌詞是揶揄南部他們這類 "Traitors 叛徒", 終會被 "Rattlesnake 響尾蛇, 和 Alligators 短吻鱷肆虐"、 "Union 聯邦會取得最後勝利"、勸導每個 Dixie 的孩子 "需要認識和關心他們的 Uncle Sam 山姆叔叔"。
1856 - "Say, Brothers, Will You Meet Us?"  歌 曲
William Stefee, 生於 South Carolina 南卡羅來納州, 在 Philadelphia 費城任職會計和保險代理人。1856年, 他收集和編撰一首營火會歌曲 "Say, Brothers, Will You Meet Us?", 副歌的 "Glory, Hallelujah" 是傳統聖詩的頌唱, 之後成為內戰時期南北雙方陣營, 不停傳唱的讚美詩句。
1856 - Say, Brothers, Will You Meet Us?
1861 - "John Brown's Body"  歌 曲
一首關於廢奴主義者 John Brown 的進行曲, 內戰期間在美國北方很流行; 曲調是取自 William Stefee 的歌曲 "Say, Brothers, Will You Meet Us?" 歌詞由三個 Union 聯盟北軍士兵 James E. Greenleaf, C. S. Hall 和 C. B. Marsh 共同創作, 歌曲原名"John Brown's Song", 卻巧合地是他們自己營中的中士 John Brown 的名字。作品在十八世紀末至十九世紀初, 成為民間一首傳統民歌。
JOHN BROWN'S BODY - Pete Seeger 1959 
John Brown's body lies a-moldering in the grave
John Brown's body lies a-moldering in the grave
John Brown's body lies a-moldering in the grave
But his soul goes marching on
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah
His soul goes marching on
The stars above in Heaven are looking kindly down
The stars above in Heaven are looking kindly down
The stars above in Heaven are looking kindly down
On the grave of old John Brown
He captured Harper's Ferry with his nineteen men so true
He frightened old Virginia till she trembled through and through
They hung him for a traitor, they themselves the traitor crew
But his soul goes marching on
 He's gone to be a soldier in the Army of the Lord
He's gone to be a soldier in the Army of the Lord
He's gone to be a soldier in the Army of the Lord
His soul goes marching on
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored
He has loosed the fateful lightening of His terrible swift sword
His truth is marching on

1861 - "The Battle Hymn of The Republic"《共和國戰歌》歌 曲
Julia Ward Howe (1819-1910) 生於 New York City 紐約市的女作家詩人, 一生致力廢除黑奴, 爭取女權和改革監獄為己任, 她同樣以 "Say, Brothers, Will You Meet Us?" 的樂譜撰上自己的詩作, 啟發自聖經「啟示錄」第十四章14-19節《最後的審判》, 一篇不惜為自由而犧牲的作品, "The Battle Hymn of The Republic" 1861年十一月完成, 1862年二月首次在 The Atlantic Monthly《大西洋月刊》發表, 在南北戰爭期間流傳廣遠, 成為美利堅合眾國的愛國歌曲。
The Battle Hymn of the Republic
Mine eyes have seen the glory
Of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage
Where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning
Of His terrible swift sword;
His truth is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

I have seen Him in the watch fires
Of a hundred circling camps
They have built Him an altar
In the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence
By the dim and flaring lamps;
His day is marching on.


He has sounded forth the trumpet
That shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men
Before His judgement-seat;
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him;
Be jubilant, my feet;
Our God is marching on.


In the beauty of the lilies
Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom
That transfigures you and me;
As He died to make men holy,
Let us die to make men free;
While God is marching on.

1957 - "All MY TRIALS"《我所有的考驗》
1859 "Dixie Land"
1861 "The Battle Hymn of the Republic"
1957 "All My Trials" 
創作歌手 Mickey Newbury, 1971年把這三首歌曲作品, 經編撰合而為一, 在流行樂壇面世之後, 至今成為象徵美國精神的贊歌 "AN AMERICAN TRILOGY"《 美國三部曲 》 !