January 4, 2014


是十五世紀英國傳統民謠, 又名 "I Gave My Love A Cherry", 原是給少女的一首猜迷歌曲, 如她能夠把迷語解答, 便很快可跟愛人相敍; 後來給用作哄小孩入睡的摇籃曲。

Ancient Folk Song "The Riddle" (I Gave My Love a Cherry) - Lyric

"THE RIDDLE SONG" - Joan Baez & Pete Seeger
I gave my love a cherry which had no stone
I gave my love a chicken which had no bone
I gave my love a story which had no end
I gave my love a baby with no cryin'

How can there be a cherry that has no stone?
How can there be a chicken that has no bone?
How can there be a story that has no end?
How can there be a baby she's no cryin'?

A cherry when it's blooming, it has no stone
A chicken when it's pippin, it has no bone
The story that I love you, it has no end
A baby when she's sleeping, she's no cryin'

曲調是取自民謠 "I Gave My Love A Cherry",  歌詞與新加上的副歌是 Paul Francis Webster 與 Jerry Livingston 所撰寫, 1957年交由初出道的 Johnny Mathis 主唱, 當時他不甚喜歡此曲, 而唱片公司亦不重視之下把它放在唱片的 B面, A面是 "Chances Are", 但出乎意料之外两曲皆上榜, 而不被看重的 "The Twelfth Of Never" 給登上最高至美國 Billboard  細碟榜第九位。

生於1935年, 自小有音樂天份又得父親鼓勵, 十三歲仍在學時已開始接受樂理、歌唱與舞蹈訓導。十九歲開始每週未在三藩市的 Ann Dee's 440 Club 演唱, 被業界的 Helen Noga 賞識, 推薦他給 Columbia Records 而得到第一張唱片合約。本是田徑運動員的他, 有機會代表美國参加1956年澳洲墨爾本奧運的跳高項目, 經父親的提議後, 放棄運動而開始進軍音樂事業, "The Twelfth Of Never" 是他1957年的第四首歌曲唱片錄音。

英國金童子奇里夫李察在1964年也翻唱此曲, 最高升至第八位。1973年三月三十一日, 美國偶像歌星 Donny Osmond 的第七張細碟 "The Twelfth Of Never", 在英國細碟榜進佔首位, 在美國 Billboard 細碟榜成績最高至第八位。還有很多其他歌手翻唱的版本。

"The 12th of never 永不出現的日子" 是來自英語國家或地方的諺語, 這是作為一個未來會發生, 但永遠不願見到這日子來臨的比喻。歌曲的意思是對愛人失去愛意的日子是永不會出現, 這就是愛的承諾。

You ask how much I need you, must I explain?
I need you, oh my darling, like roses need rain.
You ask how long I'll love you; I'll tell you true:
Until the twelfth of never, I'll still be loving you.

Hold me close, never let me go.
Hold me close, melt my heart like April snow.

I'll love you till the bluebells forget to bloom;
I'll love you till the clover has lost it's perfume.
I'll love you till the poets run out of rhyme,
Until the twelfth of never and that's a long, long time.

Hold me close, never let me go.
Hold me close, melt my heart like April snow.

I'll love you till the bluebells forget to bloom;
I'll love you till the clover has lost it's perfume.
I'll love you till the poets run out of rhyme,
Until the twelfth of never and that's a long, long time.

Until the twelfth of never and that's a long, long time.