February 22, 2014

IF YOU LOVE ME - 3/2 : Hymne à l'amour - "Ai no Sanka 愛の讚歌"

"Hymne à l'amour" -
Cover and Remade

Anne Wiazemsky 法國演員與小說家, 她是俄羅斯的貴族之後, 1996年, 她以這首歌曲 Hymne à l'amour 的靈感所啓發, 寫成一本同名小說。

Anne Wiazemsky 
Born: May 14, 1947 (age 67), Berlin, Germany
Spouse: Jean-Luc Godard (m. 1967–1979)
Siblings: Pierre Wiazemsky
Parents: Ivan Vladimirovich, Prince Wiazemsky, Count Levachov, Claire Mauriac     - wikipedia

"Hymne à l'amour" 改編而拍製
片名為"Toutes Ces Belles Promesses"
英文名為 "All The Fine Promises"
同年獲法國 Prix Jean Vigo 2003 電影大獎。

第一張以外語改編版本是1951年, 日本的作曲家 Tokiko Iwatani (岩谷時子) 撰上日本文歌詞, 曲名是 "Ai no Sanka 愛の讚歌" Fubuki Koshiji (越路吹雪) 演譯, 成為她的 Signaturre Song 之一, 至2010年其銷量達二百萬張。

"Ai no Sanka 愛の讚歌" - Fubuki Koshiji 越路吹雪
Lyric: Tokiko Iwatani 岩谷時子

"Hymne à l'amour" 翻譯成英文版本是1956年由 Eddie Constantine 所翻譯的 "Hymn To Love" 由 Edith Piaf 收錄在她的專輯 "La Vie En Rose" 當中。 美國歌手 Cyndi Lauper 亦以同一版本收錄在她的 2003年專輯大碟中。

Edith Piaf - Hymn To Love (If You Love Me) 1956 English Version

 If the sky should fall into the sea
And the stars fade all around me
Of the time that we have known dear
I will sing a hymn to love
We have lived and reigned we two alone
In a world that's hinder very own
With its memory ever grateful
Just for you, I'll sing a hymn to love

I remember each embrace
The smile that lights your face
And my heart begins to sing
Your arm, the hands secure
Your eyes that said "be sure"
And my heart begins to sing

If one day we had to say goodbye
And our love should fade away and die
In my heart, you will remain, dear
And I'll sing a hymn to love
Those who love will live eternally
In the blue, where all is harmony
With my voice raised high to Heaven
Just for you, I'll sing a hymn to love

He unites all those who loved before...

首張原創作的英文歌詞版本, 是1952年由作詞家 Geoffrey Parsons 所寫的 "If You Love Me (Really Love Me)" 由英國歌星 Vera Lynn 演譯。1956年與1957年 Edith Piaf 在美國紐約市的 "卡內基音樂廳 Carnegie Hall" 两次均以這版本演出。

Vera Lynn – If You Love Me, Really Love Me - 1952

If the sun should tumble from the sky
If the sea should suddenly run dry
If you love me, really love me
Let it happen, I won't care

If it seems that everything is lost
I should smile and never count the cost
If you love me, really love me
Let it happen, darling, I won't care

Shall I catch a shooting star?
Shall I bring it where you are?
If you want me to, I will
You can set me any task
I'll do anything you ask
If you'll only love me still

When at last our life on earth is through
I shall share eternity with you
If you love me, really love me
Then whatever happens, I won't care
Then whatever happens, I won't care

NEXT .... Original & Remade