October 21, 2016

玫瑰, 玫瑰, 我愛你 ROSE, ROSE, I LOVE YOU -《 東 西 滙 》

East Meets West《 東 西 滙 》
《中詞西曲》在今天華人社會已普及多年, 不少新作仍陸續面世。早於五十年代初, 以華語時代曲的樂譜, 撰上英文歌詞的《西詞中曲》已出現, 同時期《西詞日曲》的佳作亦有不少。今天, 有不少華、日、韓或亞洲地方其他語言的歌曲, 被歐美歌手用他們的拼音方法來演譯, 或撰上英文或外語歌詞, 甚至以一曲雙語的版本出現, 同樣被中外樂壇和樂迷歡迎。在此, 拙筆試把這類歌曲稱之《 東西會 》來介紹好了。



《馬 路 天 使》
1937年電影, 劇中的主題歌曲之一「天涯歌女」是周璇主唱的歌曲。1940年, 相同名字《天涯歌女》的電影, 亦是由周璇演出, 而劇情故事所需, 當中的插曲之一 「玫瑰, 玫瑰, 我愛你」姚莉 是歌星姚莉 1940年在上海時期錄音的華語時代曲, 是作曲家陳歌辛和撰詞家吳村的作品, 吳村亦是該電影的監製, 所以, 理所當然交由客串演出歌星的姚莉在電影中演繹。

《 西 詞 中 曲 》"Rose, Rose, I Love You"
曲調是取自華語時代曲「玫瑰, 玫瑰, 我愛你」, 歌詞由 "BBC 英國廣播公司" 的唱片騎師 Wilfred Thomas 撰寫, 哥倫比亞唱片公司 Columbia Records 錄製; 1951年由 Frankie Laine 首唱, 面世後即登上 "US Billboard Chart" 流行榜第三位置。繼而 Petula Clark, Laaura Fyhi 與及香港歌星 Rebecca Pan 潘迪華演繹的英文版本。

至今, 陳歌辛是唯一能夠在美國流行歌曲榜上, 佔有一席位的華人作曲家;「玫瑰, 玫瑰, 我愛你」亦可算是第一首被改篇成歐西流行曲的作品 。

"Rose, Rose, I Love You" - Frankie Laine 1951

"Rose, Rose, I Love You" - Buddy Morrow & his Orchestra 1951
Rose, Rose I love you with an aching heart
What is your future? now we have to part
Standing on the jetty as the steamer moves away
Flower of Malaya, I cannot stay

Mei Kwei, oh, mei Kwei for my Eastern Rose
Men crowd in dozens everywhere she goes
In her rickshaw on the street or in a cabaret
"Please make way for Rose" you can hear them say

All my life I shall remember
Oriental music and you in my arms
Perfumed flowers in your tresses
Lotus-scented breezes and swaying palms

Rose, Rose I love you with your almond eyes
Fragrant and slender 'neath tropical skies
I must cross the seas again and never see you more
'way back to my home on a distant shore

All my life I shall remember
Oriental music and you in my arms
Perfumed flowers in your tresses
Lotus-scented breezes and swaying palms

Rose, Rose I leave you, my ship is in the bay
Kiss me farewell now, there's nothin' to say
East is East and West is West, our worlds are far apart
I must leave you now but I leave my heart

Rose, Rose I love you with an aching heart
What is your future?, now we have to part
Standing on the jetty as the steamer moves away
Flower of Malaya, I cannot stay

Rose, Rose I love you, I cannot stay

"Rose, Rose, I Love You" - Gordon Jenkins & His Orchestra with Cisco Huston 1951

Petula Clark, Laura Fygi, Rebecca Pan 潘迪華 - 1961
Lyric: Wilfrid Thomas,
中文歌詞: 鳳三 (馮鳳三)
Music: 林枚 (陳歌辛)

Mei Kwei, oh, mei Kwei for my Eastern Rose
Men crowd in dozens everywhere she goes
In her rickshaw on the street or in a cabaret
"Please make way for Rose" you can hear them say

Rose, Rose, I love you, with your almond eyes
Fragrant and slender, 'neath tropical skies
I must cross the seas again and never see you more
Way back to my home on a distant shore

All my life I shall remember
Oriental music and you in my arms
Perfumed flowers in your tresses
Lotus-scented breezes and swaying palms

Rose, Rose, I love you, with an aching heart
What is your future, now we have to part
Standing on the jetty as the steamer moves away
Flower of Malaya, I cannot stay

謝他來臨 謝他殷勤 送一束玫瑰相思寄
謝他傾心 謝他多情 珍貴的禮物難忘記
玫瑰玫瑰真艷麗 多姿多彩又甜蜜
臨風搖曳吐芬芳 玫瑰玫瑰我愛你

"MAY KWAY"「玫瑰玫瑰我愛你」- Petula Clark - 1951
Lyric- John TurnerRose, Rose, so stunning!
Rose, Rose, so ravishing!
You open in late summer on tip of a branch,
Rose, Rose, I love you!

Rose, Rose, you touch me deeply,
Rose, Rose, my love is true.
You opens in late summer beside the thorns,
Rose, Rose, I love you!

I pledge my heart, my tender love,
Your pure brilliance radiates the whole world.
I pledge my heart, my tender love,
Your pure radiance illuminates the world.

Rose, Rose, so stunning!
Rose, Rose, so ravishing!
Opens in late summer on tip of a branch,
Rose, Rose, I love you!

Rose, Rose, your limbs so slender,
Rose, Rose, your thorns so sharp.
Today stormy rains may ravage you,
Bruising your limbs and graceful body.

Rose, Rose, your heart is hard.
Rose, Rose, your thorns are sharp.
In future stormy rains may ravage you,
May crush your mellow fruit.