November 20, 2019

THE G-CLEFS - 3/2 : "Auld Lang Syne"

Joe Jordan 離開, 十七歲的 Arnold Scott 加入之後, 被電台節目主持和主辦音樂表演的 Alan Freed 邀請, 演出1957年四月在紐約市 New York City, Apollo Theater 阿波羅劇院的 "Easter Show 復活節表演"。接下來, 亦参予演出, 在 Brooklyn 布魯克林 Paramount Theater 派拉蒙劇院的 "Christmas Show 聖誕表演"。

當年, 他們的台風舞步和奪目衣飾, 被認為是聲色藝俱全的樂隊, 精於營商的 Alan Freed 願意付給他們十天的酬金共二千一百美元, 每天演出七至十次, 每次衹唱兩首歌, 十天內唱出的歌曲, 不會多過二百首, 在那些日子來說, 確是不菲的酬金。Alan Freed 指他們是一夜成名的 "Cinderella Boys" 男版灰姑娘, 比喻是戴上耳環的男士; 原來, 這是當年幫派成員的標誌, 在五十年代的流行樂壇, 對男士而言, 確令人注目, 在今天卻不足為奇了 !

1958年四月, 唱片監製的 George Goldner 宣布已簽訂了 "The G-Clefs" 成為旗下唱片品牌 "Gone" 的樂隊, 不過, 只聞樓梯響, 遲遲未見有行動, 原來這五個青年仍離不開幫派的生活, 幾乎每個成員在不同時期, 因襲警而先後入獄。至1961年, 各人的年紀漸長, 思想更具成熟, 又恰巧被第一位 "伯樂"Jack Gold 重召他們返回錄音工作, 很快便完成錄製一首原是四人組合 "The Four Tunes" 1954年的歌曲 ....

1954: "I Understand Just How You Feel" - The Four Tunes
Written by Pat Best English

"I Understand Just How You Feel" - Auld Lang Syne
"The G-Clefs" 巧妙地以一曲 "Auld Lang Syne" 用作和唱音樂; 兩曲的旋律和節奏經協調下, 令人一新耳目之外, 特别在聖誕夜或除夕晚上, 與摯愛快要分隔兩地, 或正處分手邊緣的男女, 此曲帶來一份哀愁和感觸。這個特有創意的版本於1961年八月面世, 是他們最成功的歌曲之一, 在美國的 "US Billboard Hot 100" 流行榜, 衹列第九位, 在英國 "UK Single Chart" 榜上第十七位。儘管如此, 因為 "Auld Lang Syne" 這首 Scotland 蘇格蘭傳統作品, 在黑人的歌曲出現, 雖然沒有半點騷靈或藍調的感覺, 但被評兩面不討好和嬌柔做作。結果, 往後幾年, 英國 London 倫敦, 拒絕他們到來表演, 幾乎把他們的演唱事業弄跨。

1961 "I Understand (Just How You Feel) Auld Lang Syne" - The G-Clefs
I understand just how you feel
Your love for me, why not be mine
It's over now but it was grand
I understand, I understand

If you ever change your mind
Come back to me and you will find
Me waiting there, at your command
I understand, I understand

I miss you so, please believe me when I tell you
I just can't stand to see you go
You know

If you ever change your mind
Come back to me and you will find
Me waiting there at your command
I understand, I understand

"I understand just how you feel
Let bygones be bygones
But always remember I love you
I love you, I love you"

(We'll sip a cup of wine, my dear, for Auld Lang Syne)
I understand

"I Understand Just How You Feel" 1954
 Written by Pat Best English
1954: The Four Tunes, Sandy Stewart, Jimmy Young, June Valli, The Bell Ringers,
         Elvis Presley - Home Recording
1960: Jimmy Justice and The Jury, Johnny Ferguson
1961: "I Understand (Just How You Feel)"Auld Lang Syne" The G-Clefs

1962: "I Understand (Just How You Feel)"Auld Lang Syne" The Lennon Sisters  

1963: "I Understand (Just How You Feel)"Auld Lang Syne" Freddie and The Dreamers
1964: Herman's Hermits,
1964: "I Understand (Just How You Feel)"Auld Lang Syne" The Fabulous Quiet Five
1965: The Defenders, Timmie Rogers
1966: Group Seven
1967: The Tigers
1970: "I Understand (Just How You Feel)"Auld Lang Syne" Eva Vivar & Danny Cruz (Philippines)
2004: "I Understand (Just How You Feel)"Auld Lang Syne" The Wiking Strings

2016: "I Understand (Just How You Feel)"Auld Lang Syne" Bobby Vee 2016 Christmas

"Quella sera sbagliai" written by Vito Pallavicini Italian
1965: Marcellos Ferial