November 4, 2021

BELLA CIAO - 5/1 : 二 戰 追 憶

十九世紀末, 一首來自意大利北部農耕婦女的歌謠, 至二戰時期在意大利內戰期間, 成為反政府游擊隊的戰歌 ....

2014年, 在一輯視頻訪問, 當中同是二戰時期参予義大利戰區的退役英軍, 亦即是登陸法國諾曼第, 参予歐洲戰線的英國第八軍和第一空降師, 被稱為 "D-Day Dodgers" 兵團 ....

從他們的口述回憶, 其中有一位名為 Eric Fletcher Waters 的同袍, 在義大利 Anzio 與納粹德軍激戰而身亡, 年僅三十歲, 遺下仍未滿週歲的兒子, 他後來就是樂壇知名樂隊 The Pink Floyd 創隊成員之一的 Roger Waters。

Eric Fletcher Waters (1914–1944)

在另外一段視頻當中, Roger Waters 於2014年二月十八日, 為紀念他的父親 Eric Fletcher Waters 殉戰, 前赴 Italy 義大利 Anzio 東北面二十公里的小鎮 Aprilia, 在當地一所悼念陣亡軍人的紀念館参予追思, 而他的父親就是七十年前的二月十八日, 在 Anzio 這地方陣亡的軍人之一。在訪問中他聲稱, 深信父親在七十年前的戰事期間, 已認識 "Bella Ciao" 這首歌曲, 甚至能夠把整首歌曲唱出來。 

BELLA CIAO - Original Version - Italian Lyric

Italy Star Association "Meeting the D-Day Dodgers" 

Roger Waters - In memory of Second
Lieutenant Eric Fletcher Waters - Aprilia, Italy February 2, 2014

Album - "The Final Cut" 1983

Take all your overgrown infants away somewhere
And build them a home, a little place of their own
The Fletcher Memorial Home
For Incurable Tyrants and Kings

And they can appear to themselves every day
On closed circuit TV
To make sure they're still real
It's the only connection they feel
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Reagan and Haig
Mr. Begin and friend, Mrs. Thatcher, and Paisley (Hello Maggie!)
Mr. Brezhnev and party
(Scusi dov'è il bar?)
The ghost of McCarthy,
And the memories of Nixon
And now, adding colour (Da questa parte)
A group of anonymous Latin-American meat packing glitterati"
Did they expect us to treat them with any respect?

They can polish their medals and sharpen their smiles,
And abuse themselves playing games for a while
Boom boom, bang bang, lie down you're dead

Safe in the permanent gaze of a cold glass eye
Their favourite toy
They'll be good girls and boys
In the Fletcher Memorial Home for colonial
Wasters of life and limb

Is everyone in?
Are you having a nice time?
(Goodbye!) Now the final solution can be applied 

Roger Waters Unveils Memorial To His Father