October 15, 2021

OH, HOW I MISS YOU TONIGHT - Original & Remade

Answer Song 回應歌曲
Jeanne Black 的第一張唱片 "He'll Have To Stay" 由 Capitol Records 唱片公司錄製, 1960年三月面世之後, 八月 Marilyn Michaels 的 "Tell Tommy I Miss Him" 與十一月 Dodie Stevens 的 "Yes, I'm Lonesome Tonight", 三首 "Answer Song 回應歌曲" 在九個月內先後面世, 引起樂迷注目之外, 更把歌曲和女歌手的曲風相互比較, 成為茶餘飯後的熱話。
"Oh, How I Miss You Tonight"
1924年的作品, 在音樂資訉平台的文字記載, 原曲歌詞有三節和副歌兩段, 而唱片錄音衹取第一、第二節與其中一段副歌, 是描繪離開摯愛後的孤寂和悔意; 第三節與它的副歌, 是遊子對母親的思念, 一段同樣是感情抒發的歌詞, 在文字記錄屬罕見之外, 亦從沒有被演繹過, 也許由於演繹全曲三節和兩段副歌, 又以慢板節奏和加上 "Bridge 過門" 音樂的話, 對當年的唱片錄製實在太過冗長。
此曲有記載首次錄音是1924年, 由大型樂隊 The Benson Orchestra of Chicago 以音樂演奏為主, 中段的背後和唱衹選副歌而已, 至往後的版本, 主歌詞亦少有出現, 大多數歌手的演繹衹取樂曲旋律優美的副歌, 或重新編撰和修飾來配合愛情歌曲的意境。

Written by Benny Davis, Joe Burke, Mark Fisher 
Verse 1
The days are so long, seems ev'ry thing's wrong
For now, I'm alone and blue, I still love you dear
I wish you were here
Come back and forgive, please do
Refrain 1
Oh, how I miss you tonight
Miss you while lights are low
Oh, how I need you tonight
More than you'll ever know
I made belief for a while
Hiding each tear with a smile
But my heart won't stop aching
Please keep it from breaking
Oh pal, how I miss you tonight

Verse 2
Altho' you are gone, still love lingers on
I just can't believe it's true
Awake or asleep, my thought seems to creep
right back to the days spent with you
Refrain 1
Oh, how I miss you tonight
Miss you while lights are low
Oh, how I need you tonight
More than you'll ever know
I made belief for a while
Hiding each tear with a smile
But my heart won't stop aching
Please keep it from breaking
Oh pal, how I miss you tonight

Verse 3
The days are so long, seems ev'rything's wrong
For I'm all alone and blue
Oh, mother of mine, for you how I find
The nighttime brings mem'ries of you
Refrain 2
Oh, how I miss you tonight
Miss you while the lights are low
Oh, how I need you tonight
I was a fool just to roam
Leaving you there all alone
For there isn't another
Another like Mother
Old pal, I miss you tonight

"Oh How I Miss You Tonight" - The Benson Orchestra of Chicago, 1924
Oh, how I miss you tonight
Miss you while lights are low
Oh, how I need you tonight
More than you'll ever know
I made belief for a while
Hiding each tear with a smile
But my heart won't stop aching
Please keep it from breaking
Oh pal, how I miss you tonight

"Oh, How I Miss You Tonight" - Lewis James, 1925
Verse 1 
The days are so long, seems ev'ry thing's wrong
For now, I'm alone and blue, I still love you dear
I wish you were here
Come back and forgive, please do
Refrain 1
Oh, how I miss you tonight
Miss you while lights are low
Oh, how I need you tonight
More than you'll ever know
I made belief for a while
Hiding each tear with a smile
But my heart won't stop aching
Please keep it from breaking
Oh pal, how I miss you tonight

Verse 2
Altho' you are gone, still love lingers on
I just can't believe it's true
Awake or asleep, my thought seems to creep
right back to the days spent with you
Refrain 1
Oh, how I miss you tonight
Miss you while lights are low
Oh, how I need you tonight
More than you'll ever know
I made belief for a while
Hiding each tear with a smile
But my heart won't stop aching
Please keep it from breaking
Oh pal, how I miss you tonight

Cover Verion Video link: Youtube 連結
          John McCormack
1947 - Les Brown
          The Mills Brothers
June 1960 - Jim Reeves with Anita Kerr Singers
"Oh, How I Miss You Tonight" 面世三十多年, 由歌手演繹的錄音版本衹有十幾個。1960年 Jim Reeves 演繹這一曲的版本, 唱片六月面世之後, 適逢早在三個月前 Jeanne Black 演繹的 "He'll Have To Stay" 大受樂迷歡迎, Jim Reeves 順理成章把自己剛完成和面世的歌曲 "Oh, How I Miss You Tonight", 馬上推薦給 Jeanne Black 以新面目的演繹 ....  
Jeanne Black 在 Capitol Records 唱片公司的第二張唱片1960年十二月面世, 登上 "U.S. Billboard Hot 100" 流行榜第六十三位, 與一個月前 Dodie Stevens 的 "Yes, I'm Lonesome Tonight?" 兩首歌曲的名字和歌詞意境甚為相似, 引起樂壇業界的注目之外, 亦有不少樂迷對 Jeanne Black 的一曲加以批評, 因為她的歌曲在開始時一小節音樂引子, 是截錄自 "Are You Lonesome Tonight" 的曲調, 與及她的 "Monologue 獨白" 被視為模仿 Dodie Stevens 的曲風, 樂迷有這樣想法是可以理解, 樂評人士卻認為流行樂壇正處 "Answer Song 回應歌曲" 的熱潮, Jeanne Black 演繹 "How I Miss You Tonight", 同樣以輕聲細語, 對愛人真情剖白, 她的演繹可媲美 Dodie Stevens 的一曲 "Yes, I'm Lonesome Tonight", 衹是異曲同工回應了 Elvis Presley 的疑竇 "Are You Lonesome Tonight?"。

December 1960 - Jeanne Black
Oh, how I miss you tonight
Miss you while lights are low
Oh, how I need you tonight
More than you'll ever know

Each moment though we're apart
You're never out of my heart
But I'd rather be lonely
And wait for you only
My darling, I miss you tonight

Yes darling
I am lonesome tonight
The days are so long
Seems everything's wrong
Well, now
I'm lonesome and blue
I still love you, dear
I wish you were here
Come back
Forgive me
Please do

Cover Version Video link: Youtube 連結
1967 - Doris Day

The days are so long
Everything's wrong
For now, I'm alone and blue
I still love you, dear
Wish you were here
Comeback and forgive me
Please do

Oh, how I miss you tonight
Miss you when lights are low
Oh, how I need you tonight
more than you'll ever know
Each moment, though we're apart
you're never out of my heart
I'd rather be lonely
And wait for you only
I know how I'll miss you tonight

1979 - Jim Reeves with Deborah Allen