October 8, 2021

HE'LL HAVE TO STAY - Answer Song / Parody【戲仿】

JEANNE BLACK (1937-2014)
Gloria Jeanne Black 1937年生於美國加州 Los Angeles 洛杉磯, Pomona 城市。十九歲開始在電視台的鄉謠節目 "Hometown Jamboree" 亮相演出; 三年後, 前赴 Nevada 內華達州 Las Vegas 拉斯維加斯, 和 Tahoe 太浩湖一帶當職業歌手。1960年, 成為 Capitol Records 唱片公司合約歌手, 錄製第一張細唱片, A-面歌曲 "He'll Have To Stay" 登上 "Billboard Hot 100" 第四位, "Country Chart 鄉謠榜" 第六位, 在全球的銷量很快已超過一百萬張。

Jeanne Black: "He'll Have To Stay"
1960年三月面世的作品, 歌詞內容猶如一紙 "Ultimatum 哀的美敦書", 給予 Jim Reeves 的一曲 "He'll Have To Go" 作決絕的回應。可惜, 在演繹這系列 "Answer Song 回應歌曲" 的女歌手之中, Jeanne Black 的歌唱事業算不濟, 在樂壇衹有三年多, 共收錄十張細唱片, 和唯一的專輯唱片, 其名字猶似她在流行樂壇的 "A LITTLE BIT LONELY 一點點孤寂", 難道就是後來被認為她是 "One-Hit Wonder 曇花一現" 的女歌手?
Jim Reeves  "HE'LL HAVE TO GO"  
Jeanne Black "HE'LL HAVE TO STAY"- Answer Song 回 應 歌 曲
Written by Joe Allison, Audrey Allison, Charles Grean
I am glad you've finally called me on the phone
I've been waiting here tonight, but not alone
You broke the date that we had made just yesterday
Now there's someone else who's here, he'll have to stay

I have found another love I know is true
And he holds me much more tenderly than you
Loving you's not worth the price I have to pay
Someone else is in your place, he'll have to stay

Once I loved you with all my heart
But now I must say no
You broke my heart too many times
So now you'll have to go
I can hear the jukebox playing soft and low 
And you're out again with someone else I know 
My love was blind
I'm not your kind, that's all I'll say
So you can hang up
I'm in his arms, he'll have to stay 
Now, someone else is in your place, he'll have to stay

Corina Minette - 1960

Jeanne Black 的版本1960年三月面世之前, "He'll Have To Stay 的首次錄音由 Corina Minette 以降音階二重和唱的曲調演繹, 這個罕有的 "Answer Song" 版本, 亦是 Corina 在美國流行樂壇唯一有記載的唱片錄音,  由美國 ABC-Paramount 唱片公司印製, B-面是純音樂演奏的 "Young At Cha Cha Cha (Young At Heart)"

Skeeter Davis - 1961

Moreen Moore - 1963
Petty 和 Booka 的日本女子二人組合, 1996年錄製的一張專輯 "Fujiyama Mama", 以輕快節奏演繹了 "He'll Have To Stay"。
01. 00:00 Seven Lonely Days
02. 03:08 He'll Have To Stay
03. 07:16 Live Fast, Love Hard, Die Young
04. 10:18 I Don't Sleep, I Drink Coffee Instead
05. 13:17 My Baby Don't Dance To Nothing But Ernest Tubb
06. 15:32 Trucker's Cafe

07. 19:07 Fujiyama Mama
08. 21:36 Kaw-Liga
09. 25:24 Queen Of The House
10. 29:43 Is The Blue Moon Still Shining?
11. 33:46 Perfect
12. 38:08 Louise
13. 42:10 Born To Be Wild

JD Micals - Live at the Wheeling Jamboree
劇 場 版: 
Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone
Let's pretend that we're together all alone
I'll tell the man to turn the jukebox way down low
And you can tell your friend there with you, you have to go

I'm so glad you've finally called me on the phone
I've been waiting here tonight, but not alone
You broke the date that we had made just yesterday
Now there's someone else who's here, he'll have to stay
I have found another love I know is true 
Or does he hold you darling, the way I do?
Loving you's not worth the price I had to pay
Someone else is in your place, he'll have to stay

You can't say the words I want to hear
While you're with another man 
Do you want me, answer "yes" or "no,"
Darling, I will understand

I can hear the jukebox playing soft and low 
And you're out again with someone else, I know
My love was blind
I'm not your kind, that's all I'll say
So you can hang up
I'm in his arms, he'll have to stay...
Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone
Let's pretend that we're together, all alone
I'll tell the man to turn the jukebox way down low
And you can tell your friend there with you, you have to go
Parody【戲仿】- "情敵 Johnny Scoggins" 以輕挑賴皮去回應 Jim Reeves 
不過, 睇吓佢個款, Jimmy 話 "未驚過!"
1960 "I'M GONNA STAY" Parody《戲 仿》
Written and Sung by Johnny Scoggins
I'm the one was with her when you phone
你同佢傾電話嗰陣, 佢身邊嗰個男人就係我
And I didn't like the words of your sweet song 
It's not my fault, you're all to blame, you move slow
喱個唔係我嘅錯, 要怪嘅就係你唔嗲唔吊
Just don't be callin' her I'll have to go

Now, if you want to find out just which man is best
而家, 如果你想知道邊個男人係最啱佢嘅
Just call me up and gimme your name and address
就畀電話過我, 話我知你個大名同埋地址
When you moved out, I move in, things work that way
等你搬走, 我就搬入去, 最簡單就係咁
Sell your papers somewhere else, I wanna stay
將你啲舊作賣晒, 等我同佢住埋

I'm telling you, you'd best forget about the number on her phone
我話畀你聽, 你最好連佢嘅電話都删除
Sing your songs to someone else and leave my girl alone
你嘅歌, 唱畀其他人聽, 好過纏住我條女
You lost your chance for true romance, so be on your way
你連上床嘅機會都冇埋, 就快啲躝啦
Don't waste your time, make up your mind, I wanna stay
的起你個心肝, 唔好嘥口水, 我係要同佢一齊
Don't waste your time, make up your mind, I wanna stay
的起你個心肝, 唔好嘥口水, 我係要同佢一齊
Don't waste your time, make up your mind, I wanna stay
的起你個心肝, 唔好嘥口水, 我係要同佢一齊

1962 - Homer & Jethro - Parody《戲 仿》
Put your big mouth a little closer to the phone
Don't you try to tell me that you're all alone
You only go out with your friends, you told me so
你有同我講過, 淨係同朋友出去咩
But you don't have, no enemies, you'll have to go
但你冇喎, 冇仇家, 你就要出街

The Tomcat said, when he kissed the skunk
臭貓公都係咁話, 咀條死魚嗰陣,
Though it's been grand, I've enjoyed all of this that I can stand
都好委屈㗎, 不過我都歎過, 同埋忍到夠啦
You said you'd stick with me through the thick, and then I know
你口口聲聲話同我一齊捱, 我先至知
The longer you stick, the thinner I get, you have to go
同你黐埋得越耐, 我就越奀嫋鬼命, 你都係走把啦

When your mother came and visit us, she would knock, then knock again 
等你阿媽嚟揾我哋嗰陣, 佢自然會拍門, 會唔停咁拍
You and me would always have a fuss, 'cause I wouldn't let her in 
你同我嘈喧巴閉, 就係為咗我唔畀佢入嚟

Oh, put your fat mouth a little closer to the phone 
哦, 你個臭口黐埋個電話一啲嗱
Don't you try to tell me that you're all alone 
唔好同我講, 話得你一個人
The man with you must be a navy man, I know 
同埋你一齊嗰條友, 一定係水兵, 我知㗎
And you can tell him the coast is clear now, he'll have to go 
你話俾佢知, 趁而家風平浪靜, 都係走把啦