Dire Straits
在字面上是譯作 "恐怖海峡"; 在一些華語地方的樂壇媒體、唱片業界或歌迷, 通常把 "Dire Straits" 這樂隊的名字從字面直譯成 "困境海峽"; 而 "dire straits" 是英文俚語, 意思是 "困境", 在香港所謂 "環境惡劣" 是最貼切的解讀了 !
一隊1977年組成, 名為 "Café Racers" 的四人樂隊, 早期被歌唱業界列為 "Punk Rock 崩克搖滾" 的類別組合, 他們始於倫敦 London 當地的酒吧, 每晚不停演出, 收入不多, 只夠維持日常生活和各人的煙酒錢而已。由於樂隊仍然生活拮据, 尤其是練歌之日, 亦要向友人借來家中的厨房作排演, 因此經常被朋友揶揄, 指他們是一群每天在 "困境" 求存的樂隊。及後, 樂隊亦因此而改名為 "Dire Straits 環境惡劣" 以自嘲一番, 並開始走向 Jazz, Folk, Blues 和 Rock n'Roll, 集各風格於一身在不同歌曲的演譯, 希望能立足流行樂壇。
Debute Members 1977-1980
Lead Guitar/Singer : Mark Knopfler
Rhythm Guitar : David Knopfler
Bass Guitar : John Illsley
Drum & Percussion : Pick Withers
From Left: John, Mark, David and Pick
改變風格後的 "DIRE STRAITS", 在樂隊靈魂 Mark Knopfler 帶領下, 名氣大增, 以樂隊名字在錄音室製作的專輯唱片衹有六張, 當中有不少是樂迷難忘的歌曲, 而多才多藝的 Mark Knopfler 所撰寫的作品, 當中包括和他的偶像結他手, 如 Chet Atkins, Hank Marvin 和 Eric Clapton 等合作演譯的歌曲和純音樂, 除了在一些電影出現仼作曲之外, 有不少作品成了樂壇的經典。
Track List
1. So Far Away
2. Money for Nothing
3. Walk of Life
4. Your Latest Trick
5. Why Worry
6. Ride Across the River
7. The Man's Too Strong
8. One World
9. Brothers in Arms
由一支破舊結他, 啓發了 "Brothers in Arms" 的專輯封套設計; 而1973年, Brewers Droop 早已完成的歌曲錄音, 收錄在 "The Booze Brothers" 這專輯卻要延至1989年才面世, 且看它的封面設計, 亦衹是步1985年 "Brothers in Arms" 的封套設計後塵。
在錄製 "The Booze Brothers" 這專輯唱片期間的一個晚上, Mark 跟幾位隊友閒聊, 對着一支破舊結他, 那最幼高 E 調琴弦貼着彎曲的琴柄, 看來是難於彈奏, 正當各有各說法之時, Mark 心裡想着仍可以用手指撥彈吧, 他馬上拿起那支舊結他, 用手指鈎撥幾下卻引來各人注目; 由此, 話題亦告终結 !
拙筆認為由於樂隊 Brewers Droop 本來是無意把舊錄音拿去印製發售; 但是, 經十六年後, 藉着 Dire Straits 的聲勢, 才把這支彎曲的破舊結他, 從盒子再拿出來而已。
在接受訪問時他笑着說 : "當年有幸找到自己所喜愛, 就是以手指鈎撥的結他彈奏 !"
曲調優美, 令人紓解的歌詞, 歌聲像來自你身傍的摯友, 一首令人難忘的經典 !
Baby, I see this world has made you sad
Some people can be bad
The things they do, the things they say
Some people can be bad
The things they do, the things they say
But baby, I'll wipe away those bitter tears
I'll chase away those restless fears
And turn your blue skies into gray
I'll chase away those restless fears
And turn your blue skies into gray
Why worry
There should be laughter after pain
There should be sunshine after rain
These things have always been the same
So why worry now
Why worry now
There should be laughter after pain
There should be sunshine after rain
These things have always been the same
So why worry now
Why worry now
Baby, when I get down I turn to you
And you make sense of what I do
And though it isn't hard to say
And you make sense of what I do
And though it isn't hard to say
But baby, just when this world seems mean and cold
Our love comes shining red and gold
And all the rest is by the way
Our love comes shining red and gold
And all the rest is by the way
Why worry
There should be laughter after pain
There should be sunshine after rain
These things have always been the same
So why worry now
Why worry now
There should be laughter after pain
There should be sunshine after rain
These things have always been the same
So why worry now
Why worry now
Track List
1. Telegraph Road
2. Private Investigations
3. Industrial Disease
4. Love Over Gold
5. It Never Rains
當年, 在 Hi-Fi 音響店試聽器材時, 售貨員拿出一張試音的黑膠唱片, 聲稱衹是高級器材才有的音響效果。幸而, 筆者沒有餘錢, 衹好賣來 CD 一張回家去, 放進套裝音響機一試, 環境與效果當然沒法比, 但仍然聽到此曲的精粹所在。衹不過, 最佳時間還是在晚上, 當你獨處一室, 把燈光較暗才慢慢欣賞吧 !
'Private Investigations'
由遠而至的木結他聲, 伴以鋼琴, 隨着是 Mark Knopfler 以沉厚語調的獨白, 背後是電子合成器 Synthesizer 深沉的低頻聲, 和他的指鈎結他彈法, Mike Mainieri 敲出清脆的木琴聲; 進入樂曲後有電結他、重低音結他、鋼琴和鼓聲, 更聽到脚步聲, 打破玻璃和貓兒叫聲 .... 構成一幅有生命的圖畫, 亦是私家偵探生涯的一篇日誌。
It's a mystery to me, the game commences
For the usual fee, plus expenses
Confidential information, it's a diary
This is my investigation, it's not a public inquiry
I go checking out the reports, digging up the dirt
You get to meet all sorts in this line of work
Treachery and treason, there's always an excuse for it
And when I find the reason I still can't get used to it
And what have you got at the end of the day?
What have you got to take away?
A bottle of whiskey and a new set of lies
Blinds on the window and a pain behind the eyes
Scarred for life, no compensation
Private investigations
'Private Investigations' - Dire Straits 1985 Wembley, London LIVE
NEXT .... 3/3 DIRE STRAIT - 400Hz vs 432Hz