1949 - Hank Snow (1914-1999) The Singing Ranger and His Rainbow Ranch Boys
Written by Mel Foree (1911-1990) Cy Coben(1919-2006)
As I was slowly passing an orphan's home one day
And stopped there for a moment, just to watch the children play
Alone a boy was standing and when I asked him why
He turned with eyes that could not see, and he began to cry....
" I'm nobody's child I'm nobody's child
I'm like a flower just growing wild
No mommy's kisses and no daddy's smiles
Nobody wants me, I'm nobody's child "
" People come for children and take them for their own But they all seem to pass me by, and I am left alone I know they'd like to take me but when they see I'm blind They always take some other child, and I am left behind "
" No mommy's arms to hold me or soothe me when I cry Sometimes it gets so lonely here, I wish that I could die I'd walk the streets of heaven, where all the blind can see And just like all the other kids, there'd be a home for me "
" I just can't seem to figure out why the folks all pass me by Cause I know that it's true that God takes little blind children with him in the sky And they tell me that I'm oh so pretty, and they seem to like my big curls of gold But then they take some other little child, and I'm left here all alone "
" I'm nobody's child I'm nobody's child I'm like a flower just growing wild No mommy's kisses and no daddy's smiles Nobody wants me, I'm nobody's child "
1956- Lonnie Donegan (1931-2002) (UK Single Chart No. 2)
1963 - Billy Fury and The Tornados
The Lords (Sweden singer) 1964- Houston Wells, The Alexander Brothers, Pat Wayne with The Beachcombers
The Beatles with Tony Sheridan
初組成的 "The Beatles", 1961年在西德 Hamburg 漢堡認識了 Tony Sheridan 之後, 一度曾經以另一樂隊名字 Tony Sheridan & The Beatles 合作唱片錄音, 1964年, "Nobody's Child" 由 Tony Sheridan 演繹, 收錄在 The Beatles 的單曲細唱片B-面, A-面是主打歌曲 "Ain't She Sweet" 由 John Lennon 演繹, 四月在西德首次面世, 三年多之後至1967年八月, "The Beatles" 才把歌曲收錄在英國印製的專輯唱片 "The Beatles First" 當中。
1946年, 生於英國 Yorkshire 約克郡的女歌手 (有别於演繹 "Hot Shot" 的美國女歌手 Karen Young 1951-1991), 1969年七月, Karen Young 亦把 "Nobody's Child" 演繹, 歌曲面世即登上英國單曲榜 UK Single Chart 第六位, 成了七十年代的青年樂迷喜愛的版本, 之外還有1970年的 "One Tin Soldier" 亦是樂迷認識的上榜歌曲之一。
Karen Young 由1965至1971年在樂壇期間, 衹錄製了十幾首歌曲而已, 1974年正式離開流行樂壇。1985年二月, 當時她在一家房地產代理公司工作, 在辦公室內遭遇被搶劫的事件, 幸好衹損失少量金錢, 再次成為新聞人物。事發之後, 同年九月她改以 Karon Young 的名字, 由英國 EMI 唱片公司印製的細唱片面世, A-面 "Nobody's Child", 放在B-面是樂隊組合 "White Plain" 的歌曲 "When You Are A King"。
NOBODY'S CHILD - Karen Young 1969 (UK single Chart No. 6)
"NOBODY'S CHILD: Romanian Angel Appeal"
"羅 馬 尼 亞 天 使 呼 籲"
1988年, George Harrison 與多位歌手組成 "Traveling Wilburys" 樂隊, 各成員正在進行編製 "Traveling Wilburys Vol. 3" 專輯時, George 的妻子 Olivia 與前樂隊 The Beatles 各成員的妻子, 要求樂隊錄製一張專輯唱片, 為非政府組織成立的 "Romanian Angel Appeal Foundation 羅馬尼亞天使呼籲基金會" 籌款, 由於羅馬尼亞共產自1989年十二月垮臺之後, 國內的孤兒院有數千名孤兒正缺乏醫療設施、藥物、生活用品甚至食物不足, 希望以這張專輯為籌款活動作呼喚, 務求引起社會和樂迷關注並加以援助。
George Harrison 的隊友之一 Bob Dylan 建議用 "Nobody's Child" 這首歌曲為主題來傳達相關訊息, 但他們無法記得全曲的歌詞, 經去電話給好友 Joe Brown, 但他衹能給歌詞的第一節而已, George 衹好由第二節歌詞開始重新撰寫, 重點是傳達在羅馬尼亞的孩子和嬰兒, 身處困境和悲哀的訊息。
"Traveling Wilburys"
專輯主題歌曲 "Nobody's Child" 由 George Harrison, Bob Dylan, Tom Petty 和 Jeff Lynne 演繹之外, 其他歌手有 Eric Clapton, Roy Orbison, Elton John, Van Morrison, Stevie Wonder 和 Paul Simon 等同参予唱片錄音製作, 亦包括 Guns N' Roses, Bee Gees, Ringo Starr and His All-Starr Band 的作品, 共十四首歌曲同收錄在專輯內, 唱片於1990年七月二十三日面世。
L-R: Bob Dylan, Jeff Lynne, Tom Petty (1950-2017),
Roy Orbison (1936-1988), George Harrison (1943-2001)
NOBODY'S CHILD - The Traveling Wilburys 1990
As I was slowly passing
An orphan's home today I stopped for just a little while
To watch the children play
Alone a boy was standin'
And when I asked him why He turned with eyes that could not see
And he began to cry
I'm nobody's child, I'm nobody's child Just like a flower, I'm growin' wild No mama's arms to hold me, no daddy's smile Nobody wants me, I'm nobody's child
In every town and village There are places just like this With rows and rows of children
Babies in their cribs
They've long since stopped their cryin' As no-one ever hears And no-one there to notice them
Or take away their fears
Nobody's child, they're nobody's child Just like a flower, they're growin' wild No mama's arms to hold them, no daddy's smile Nobody wants them, they're nobody's child
Nobody's child, they're nobody's child Just like a flower, they're growin' wild No mommy's kisses, no daddy's smile Nobody wants them, they're nobody's child Nobody wants them, they're nobody's child
1969 - Harry Hibbs, Heather & The Thunderbirds
1970 - The Cody Nash Outfit, Caroline Du Preez, Danny McGirr, Virginia Lee
1971 - Agnes Chan 陳美齡,
Irene Ryder 黎愛蓮
The Walker, Eva Vivar
1974 - Sydney Devine, Frankie McBride, Walter Hensley and The Dukes Of Bluegrass, Keith Manifold
NOBODY'S CHILD - Mark Knopfler 2018 The ragged kid nobody wanted Left alone to ramble wild Long ago he was abandoned Nobody's child
Never smiles and never chatters Never quarrels or complains Grown as hard as the Sierras And the Western Plains Come a'cow cow yicky yicky yea A'come a'cow cow yicky yicky yea
Learned to swing a broken bottle Learned to use his fists and knife In the bar rooms and bordellos Of his life
He drifted down towards the borders The sky was dark but it did not rain Came the meanest pistoleros In the Western Plains
He fell in with these desperadoes Thieves and killers every one Prizes hanging from their saddles With their guns Come a'cow cow yicky yicky yea A'come a'cow cow yicky yicky yea
The ragged kid nobody wanted Left alone to ramble wild Now he rides beside the Devil Nobody's child Come a'cow cow yicky yicky yea A'come a'cow cow yicky yicky yea