如有雷同, 並非巧合,
一個印第安土著原住民的小島, 1513年開始被西班牙人殖民管治達二百五十年。1763年, 英國人入侵, 西班牙人不敵, 在有條件和承諾下, 把小島割讓給大英帝國成為英殖民地 ....
英國人遵守了五十年不變, 甚麽也不做的承諾至1812年, 剛好五十年之際, 英美交惡而開戰, 而大英帝國處於劣勢, 不用簽署英美聯合聲明, 把小島交還給大國, 成為礁島特別行政區, 海螺政府....
回 歸 祖 國
大國掘起, 一雪百年耻辱! 小島回歸民主大國的懷抱後, 獲得祖國大力支持, 各項基建上馬, 大西南公路大橋、低鐵直通火車、西灣碼頭、小白宫博物館、每年的盛事 "3.5"慶回歸, 與及不同藉口的文化活動等等, 令小島成為 Caribbean 加勒比海與 Gulf of Mexico 墨西哥灣之間的海螺國際城市。
雖然大英帝國放棄已管治五十年的小島, 但仍有些人願意留下來, 欣然接受另一大國的文化洗腦和管治, 不過, 亦有一些忠於英國殖民地法制的英粉, 知道留在該島担心終有被秋後算賬的一天, 唯有決定移居至另一個英國殖民地的 Bahamas 巴哈馬群島。
"英粉"抵達 Bahamas 巴哈馬群島之後, 英國議會剛制訂一條新惡法, 要島上的農作物徵稅, "英粉五便士"唯有忍着淚留下來, 祇好三餐食(土豆) Potatoe 薯仔吧! 不過, 這條惡法卻迫使群島上的土著原住民, 寧以海螺果腹也不願多繳食物稅, 他們亦因而創出二十多種烹調方法, 令這種海螺成為美食。
Bahamas 巴哈馬群島的原住民以"躺平"作抗議, 令外界誤以為他們因此被虐稱 "螺民", 卻原來這別稱是來自 Florida Keys 彿羅里達群島, 有近兩千多年文化的印第安族裔原住民, 由於他們世代近海而居, 有堅如海螺的生命力, 因而自譽為 "Conch 海螺" 而已。
不同地緣和文化的人, 自古以來多以海螺為食材, 由於螺殼可作吹鳴號角, 香港人的滋補湯飲名字 "响螺燉花膠" 亦因此而起, 之外, 螺殼還可以製成 "Conchalele" 四弦琴, 甚至各樣飾物和擺設; 不過, 這類會生銀珠的 "Conch 海螺", 有幸已被一些國家列為受保護的貝殼類其中的品種。
2014年的統計, 居於島上的原住民和後代, 包括從祖國其他州郡到來的新移民, 已知有多少外傭、個人性則工作者和黑市勞工在內, 有近兩萬五千多人, 佔整個 Florida Keys 佛羅里達礁島群的人口百份之三十二。
時至今天, 傲稱 "CONCHKER 海螺人" 的原住民, 對一些在以北内陸州郡出生的新移民, 住滿七年仍被視為淡水响螺, 或俗稱 "螺燦"!
Bob Dylan - Key West (Philosopher Pirate) - Lyrics
"ROUGH AND ROWDY WAYS" - 粗暴 與 喧鬧的方式
Dylan 的原創作品, 有別於一般流行歌曲的專輯, 2020年六月十九日面世, 十首歌曲的內容全是對美國的地方、人物、故事和內心感受的描繪,
被流行樂壇業界和樂評人認為, 這類民歌或藍調怨曲的演繹, 是象徵美國人的文化精神, 亦是 Bob Dylan 歴年來的代表作之一。1. I Contain Multitudes
2. False Prophet
3. My Own Version of You
4. I've Made Up My Mind to Give Myself to You
5. Black Rider (魔鬼連環圖故事人物)
6. Goodbye Jimmy Reed (創作歌手)
7. Mother of Muses (靈感來自 Bob Dylan 獲得 2016年諾貝爾文學獎, 勛章背面的錭刻:
2. False Prophet
3. My Own Version of You
4. I've Made Up My Mind to Give Myself to You
5. Black Rider (魔鬼連環圖故事人物)
6. Goodbye Jimmy Reed (創作歌手)
7. Mother of Muses (靈感來自 Bob Dylan 獲得 2016年諾貝爾文學獎, 勛章背面的錭刻:
希臘神話故事, 九個 Muses 的母親, 記憶女神 Mnemosyne)
8. Crossing the Rubicon (成語: 越過了不歸路)
9. Key West (Philosopher Pirate) (哲人海盗)
10. Murder Most Foul (美國總統 J.F.Kennedy)
9. Key West (Philosopher Pirate) (哲人海盗)
10. Murder Most Foul (美國總統 J.F.Kennedy)
一間在 Key West 島上 428 Greene Street 的酒吧裡, 其中有三張高櫈, 分别寫上 Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman 和 Bob Dylan 的名字, 以示他們三人曾經到此共敍暢飲。Key West (Philoswopher Pirate) 一曲, 是 Bob Dylan 對這小島的嚮往和回憶, 以獨白方式, 慢慢細說出來 ....

McKinley hollered, McKinley squalled (25th President William KcKinley)
Doctor said, "McKinley, death is on the wall
Say it to me, if you got something to confess"
I heard all about it, he was goin' down slow
I heard it all, the wireless radio
From down in the boondocks, way down in Key West
I'm searching for love, for inspiration
On that pirate radio station
Coming out of Luxembourg and Budapest
Radio signal, clear as can be
I'm so deep in love that I can hardly see
Down on the flatlands, way down in Key West
Doctor said, "McKinley, death is on the wall
Say it to me, if you got something to confess"
I heard all about it, he was goin' down slow
I heard it all, the wireless radio
From down in the boondocks, way down in Key West
I'm searching for love, for inspiration
On that pirate radio station
Coming out of Luxembourg and Budapest
Radio signal, clear as can be
I'm so deep in love that I can hardly see
Down on the flatlands, way down in Key West

If you're looking for immortality
Stay on the road, follow the highway sign
Key West is fine and fair
If you lost your mind, you will find it there
Key West is on the horizon line
I was born on the wrong side of the railroad track
Like Ginsberg, Corso and Kerouac
Like Louis and Jimmy and Buddy and all the rest
Well, it might not be the thing to do
But I'm sticking with you, through and through
Down in the flatlands, way down in Key West
I got both my feet planted square on the ground
Got my right hand high with the thumb down
Such is life, such is happiness
Hibiscus flowers, they grow everywhere here
If you wear one, put it behind your ear
Down in the bottom, way down in Key West
Like Ginsberg, Corso and Kerouac
Like Louis and Jimmy and Buddy and all the rest
Well, it might not be the thing to do
But I'm sticking with you, through and through
Down in the flatlands, way down in Key West
I got both my feet planted square on the ground
Got my right hand high with the thumb down
Such is life, such is happiness
Hibiscus flowers, they grow everywhere here
If you wear one, put it behind your ear
Down in the bottom, way down in Key West
Key West is the place to go
Down by the Gulf of Mexico
Beyond the sea, beyond the shifting sand
Key West is the gateway key
To innocence and purity
Key West, Key West is the enchanted land
Down by the Gulf of Mexico
Beyond the sea, beyond the shifting sand
Key West is the gateway key
To innocence and purity
Key West, Key West is the enchanted land
I've never lived in the land of Oz
Or wasted my time with an unworthy cause
It's hot down here, and you can't be overdressed
China blossoms of a toxic plant
They can make you dizzy, I'd like to help you but I can't
Down in the flatlands, way down in Key West
Well, the fish tail ponds and the orchid trees
They can give you that bleeding heart disease
People tell me I ought to try a little tenderness
On Newton Street, Bayview Park
Walking in the shadows after dark
Down under, way down in Key West
I played Gumbo Limbo spirituals
I know all the Hindu rituals
People tell me that I'm truly blessed
Bougainvillea blooming in the summer, in the spring
Winter here is an unknown thing
Down in the flat lands, way down in Key West
Or wasted my time with an unworthy cause
It's hot down here, and you can't be overdressed
China blossoms of a toxic plant
They can make you dizzy, I'd like to help you but I can't
Down in the flatlands, way down in Key West
Well, the fish tail ponds and the orchid trees
They can give you that bleeding heart disease
People tell me I ought to try a little tenderness
On Newton Street, Bayview Park
Walking in the shadows after dark
Down under, way down in Key West
I played Gumbo Limbo spirituals
I know all the Hindu rituals
People tell me that I'm truly blessed
Bougainvillea blooming in the summer, in the spring
Winter here is an unknown thing
Down in the flat lands, way down in Key West
Key West is under the sun, under the radar, under the gun
You stay to the left, and then you lean to the right
Feel the sunlight on your skin, and the healing virtues of the wind
Key West, Key West is the land of light
You stay to the left, and then you lean to the right
Feel the sunlight on your skin, and the healing virtues of the wind
Key West, Key West is the land of light
Wherever I travel, wherever I roam
I'm not that far before I come back home
I do what I think is right, what I think is best
History Street off of Mallory Square
Truman had his White House there
East bound, West bound, way down in Key West
Twelve years old, they put me in a suit
Forced me to marry a prostitute
There were gold fringes on her wedding dress
That's my story, but not where it ends
She's still cute, and we're still friends
Down on the bottom, way down in Key West
I play both sides against the middle
Trying to pick up that pirate radio signal
I heard the news, I heard your last request
Fly around, my pretty little Miss
I don't love nobody, give me a kiss
Down on the bottom, way down in Key West
I'm not that far before I come back home
I do what I think is right, what I think is best
History Street off of Mallory Square
Truman had his White House there
East bound, West bound, way down in Key West
Twelve years old, they put me in a suit
Forced me to marry a prostitute
There were gold fringes on her wedding dress
That's my story, but not where it ends
She's still cute, and we're still friends
Down on the bottom, way down in Key West
I play both sides against the middle
Trying to pick up that pirate radio signal
I heard the news, I heard your last request
Fly around, my pretty little Miss
I don't love nobody, give me a kiss
Down on the bottom, way down in Key West
Key West is the place to be
If you're looking for immortality
Key West is paradise divine
Key West is fine and fair
If you lost your mind, you'll find it there
Key West is on the horizon line
If you're looking for immortality
Key West is paradise divine
Key West is fine and fair
If you lost your mind, you'll find it there
Key West is on the horizon line