美國鄉謠歌曲二人組合的名字, 由 "Homer" Henry D. Haynes (1920–1971) 和 "Jethro" Kenneth C. Burns (1920–1989) 組成, 從四十到六十年代期間, 以戲仿歌曲來諷刺時弊, 在電台和電視廣受歡迎; 他們被稱 "食腦的鄉巴佬 Thinking Man's
Hillbillies"。1959 年獲得 "格萊美獎 Grammy Award", 並榮登 "鄉村音樂名人堂 "Country Music Hall of Fame"。
喁 喁 細 語 情 話 綿 綿
两曲同於1960年十一月面世, 引起流行樂壇 "Answer Song 回應歌曲" 一番熱潮, 特别以對話的內容, 更易啟發流行歌曲另一創意。"Homer & Jethro" 亦被 Elvis 與 Dodie 的啟發, 1961年, 把 "Are You Lonesome Toght?" 撰上鬼馬諧趣歌詞的 "Parody 戲仿" 版本面世, 一時成為樂壇熱話。為了增加歌曲的趣味性, 與及更加傳神會意, 拙筆將歌詞以香港人通俗的詞彙作翻譯, 跟英文原意略為不同的【香港版】, 敬請非香港型式粵語的歌迷朋友原諒 !
Parody Version by Homer & Jethro
Are you lonesome tonight? 今晚你又係咁寂寞?
If you are, serves you right 係就好咯
I'm so happy you left me at last 好在你卒之都走咗
I can still hear you roar 不過我仲一直聽到你把死人聲
Make the beds, mop the floor 你一路哎一路執牀, 拖地
Do the laundry and then mow the grass 洗完衫仲剪埋草
You took me for a boat ride 同我去划艇仔
I had to swim back 搞到我要游水返嚟
Darling I thought I'd never 死嘢, 我從來冇諗過
Get out of that sack 可以甩到身喎
Should you fly back again 不過睇死你會翻頭
Park your broom and come in 千祈唔好惹埋啲蘇州屎返嚟呀
Darling that's why you're lonesome tonight 衰鬼, 都話你不甘寂寞㗎啦
If you are, serves you right 係就好咯
I'm so happy you left me at last 好在你卒之都走咗
I can still hear you roar 不過我仲一直聽到你把死人聲
Make the beds, mop the floor 你一路哎一路執牀, 拖地
Do the laundry and then mow the grass 洗完衫仲剪埋草
You took me for a boat ride 同我去划艇仔
I had to swim back 搞到我要游水返嚟
Darling I thought I'd never 死嘢, 我從來冇諗過
Get out of that sack 可以甩到身喎
Should you fly back again 不過睇死你會翻頭
Park your broom and come in 千祈唔好惹埋啲蘇州屎返嚟呀
Darling that's why you're lonesome tonight 衰鬼, 都話你不甘寂寞㗎啦
JETHRO: Short Spear once said, all the world's a stage. It ain't much of a line, but if it's good enough for Elvis, it's good enough for us. Act One
JETHRO: Short Spear once said, all the world's a stage. It ain't much of a line, but if it's good enough for Elvis, it's good enough for us. Act One
"嗦嘢脾罅"有講過, 人生如舞台, 唔駛好似猫王咁多口水, 講多都無謂, 第一鑊
女聲: You took me home to meet your folks and I can still hear your father whispering, Son, that girl's
cross-eyed, knock-kneed, strong-headed, bucktoothed and all you said was
女聲: You took me home to meet your folks and I can still hear your father whispering, Son, that girl's
cross-eyed, knock-kneed, strong-headed, bucktoothed and all you said was
你帶我返去見你個老竇老母, 佢哋仲細細聲問你點解條女鬥雞眼, 鸭乸蹄, 硬尻頸, 又哨牙你都啱㗎,
點知, 你仲同佢哋講
HOMER: Aw paw, you don't have to whisper, she's deaf too
哎吔, 大聲講都唔怕啦, 喱條女撞聾㗎
JETHRO: Act Two 第二鑊
女聲: Our engagement lasted ten years, 'cause I wouldn't marry you when you're drunk. Yeah, and I wouldn't marry you when I was sober
JETHRO: Act Two 第二鑊
女聲: Our engagement lasted ten years, 'cause I wouldn't marry you when you're drunk. Yeah, and I wouldn't marry you when I was sober
好在你精我都唔呆, 住埋成十年都唔肯同你結婚咋
JETHRO: Act Three 第三鑊
女聲: The only romantic thing you ever said to me was, that I creeped into your heart, and I creeped into your brain, creeped into your mind
JETHRO: Act Three 第三鑊
女聲: The only romantic thing you ever said to me was, that I creeped into your heart, and I creeped into your brain, creeped into your mind
你口甜舌滑氹得我鬼咁開心, 仲話我偷咗你個心, 搞到你神不守舍添
HOMER: No, all I ever said was that you're the biggest creep I'd ever seen
唔怕話你知, 我從來未見過好似你咁嘅"傻B"㗎
JETHRO: Act Four 再嚟多鑊
女聲: We finally settled down in our little honeymoon cottage and every Friday night our friends and neighbors come over to watch the fight
JETHRO: Act Four 再嚟多鑊
女聲: We finally settled down in our little honeymoon cottage and every Friday night our friends and neighbors come over to watch the fight
最衰都係孖你同居嘞, 差唔多每個星期五搞到街知巷聞呀
HOMER: Yeah, we didn't ever have a TV set, but we had a fight every Friday. One night I blacked your eyes, broke your nose and knocked your teeth out, and you got chicken and called the cops
喺呀, 我哋連電視都冇呀, 幾乎每個星期五都嘈鑊金, 一次唔覺意撞瘀你雙眼, 碰甩你幾隻牙,
同埋手踭撞親你個鼻哥之嗎, 你就大驚小怪, 又要 call 差佬
女聲: You told'em not to believe a word I said, 'cause I was punch drunk
不過, 你叫班黑警唔好聽我喱個醉猫講嘢喎。
So, I'll miss you my pet 點話都好啦, 我仲係好很掛住你
Every chance that I get 無時無刻都係咁樣諗㗎
Darling that's why you're lonesome tonight 衰鬼竇, 你做乜又係成晚囉囉攣咁啫
But I won't be for long... 之不過, 我同你一樣唔知頂得幾耐 ...
So, I'll miss you my pet 點話都好啦, 我仲係好很掛住你
Every chance that I get 無時無刻都係咁樣諗㗎
Darling that's why you're lonesome tonight 衰鬼竇, 你做乜又係成晚囉囉攣咁啫
But I won't be for long... 之不過, 我同你一樣唔知頂得幾耐 ...
ALLEN SWIFT 1924-2010
美國專業配音演員, 曾在卡通節目 "冷門狗 UNDERDOG" 當中聲音扮演 "惡酒保西蒙 Simon Bar Sinister" 的角色, 與及, 在 "即興演奏 Riff-Raff" 劇中的配音角色而聞名。
美國專業配音演員, 曾在卡通節目 "冷門狗 UNDERDOG" 當中聲音扮演 "惡酒保西蒙 Simon Bar Sinister" 的角色, 與及, 在 "即興演奏 Riff-Raff" 劇中的配音角色而聞名。
1961年, 他的一曲 "Are You Lonesome Tonight?", 以一個連自殺亦不成的失敗者, 自怨自艾的悲情演繹, 卻大受美國樂迷和電視觀眾歡迎, 可惜没法找到他的歌詞, 唯有細心欣賞吧....
...."I can't do anything right!"
《 銀 髮 一 族 》
金曲一首, 献俾啲所謂"老友記"之外, 又提醒吓而家啲 ....
嗱! 你哋啲做後生嘅, 千祈唔好成日笑啲"老嘢"....
以示尊敬, 最啱都係叫佢哋《銀髮一族》嘞!
金曲一首, 献俾啲所謂"老友記"之外, 又提醒吓而家啲 ....
嗱! 你哋啲做後生嘅, 千祈唔好成日笑啲"老嘢"....
以示尊敬, 最啱都係叫佢哋《銀髮一族》嘞!
今時唔同往日: "今晚你又好很悶咩?"
Are you lonesome tonight?
Does your tummy feel tight?
Did you bring your Mylanta and Tums ?
Does your memory stray, to that bright sunny day...
When you had all your teeth and your gums?
嗰陣屎你口水多過茶, 又依牙鬆槓?
Is your hairline receding, are your eyes growing dim?
而家你啲頭髮又甩, 雙眼又朦?
Hysterectomy for her, and it's prostate for him.
佢為咗個姨媽嘅煩惱, 你又担心疴尿滴濕鞋
Does your back give you pain.... do your knees predict rain?
個背脊又痛..... 個膝頭哥機乎準過天文台?
Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?
衰鬼, 今晚你又好悶咩?
Now I wonder if you're lonesome tonight?
Is your blood pressure up, your cholesterol down?
你嘅血壓有冇高咗, 膽固醇有冇低啲呀?
Are you eating your low-fat cuisine?
All that oat bran and fruit, Metamucil to boot,
麥皮同蔬果啦, 高纖食物就最啱你嘞,
Keeps you like a well-oiled machine.
If it's football, or baseball...he sure knows the score.
擒晚嗰場係乜嘢波唧? ......幾多比幾呀?
Yes, he knows where it's at...but forgets what it's for.
So, your gall bladder's gone, and his gout lingers on.
嗱, 好彩你啲胆石冇乜事, 但佢嘅風濕又發作。
Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?
死嘢, 今晚又試悶死啦?
When you're hungry, he's not.
你話餓時, 佢又話冇胃口。
When you're cold, then he's hot.
你覺得凍時, 佢又話好㷫。
Then you start that old thermostat war.
When you turn out the light, he goes left, you go right.
話要熄燈瞓覺, 你個面向右時, 佢又面向左喎,
Then you get his great symphonic snore.
咁嘅忍樣, 話咁快就扯晒鼻鼾添。
He was once so romantic, and witty and smart.
以前佢鬼咁烟韌, 精叻夾醒目,
How'd he turn out to be such a cranky old fart?
So don't take any bets, this is as good as it gets.
總之打定輸數冇彎轉, 已成定局冇偈傾,
Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?
唔駛問, 今晚又係要食自己嘞?
Did you bring your Mylanta and Tums ?
Does your memory stray, to that bright sunny day...
When you had all your teeth and your gums?
嗰陣屎你口水多過茶, 又依牙鬆槓?
Is your hairline receding, are your eyes growing dim?
而家你啲頭髮又甩, 雙眼又朦?
Hysterectomy for her, and it's prostate for him.
佢為咗個姨媽嘅煩惱, 你又担心疴尿滴濕鞋
Does your back give you pain.... do your knees predict rain?
個背脊又痛..... 個膝頭哥機乎準過天文台?
Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?
衰鬼, 今晚你又好悶咩?
Now I wonder if you're lonesome tonight?
Is your blood pressure up, your cholesterol down?
你嘅血壓有冇高咗, 膽固醇有冇低啲呀?
Are you eating your low-fat cuisine?
All that oat bran and fruit, Metamucil to boot,
麥皮同蔬果啦, 高纖食物就最啱你嘞,
Keeps you like a well-oiled machine.
If it's football, or baseball...he sure knows the score.
擒晚嗰場係乜嘢波唧? ......幾多比幾呀?
Yes, he knows where it's at...but forgets what it's for.
So, your gall bladder's gone, and his gout lingers on.
嗱, 好彩你啲胆石冇乜事, 但佢嘅風濕又發作。
Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?
死嘢, 今晚又試悶死啦?
When you're hungry, he's not.
你話餓時, 佢又話冇胃口。
When you're cold, then he's hot.
你覺得凍時, 佢又話好㷫。
Then you start that old thermostat war.
When you turn out the light, he goes left, you go right.
話要熄燈瞓覺, 你個面向右時, 佢又面向左喎,
Then you get his great symphonic snore.
咁嘅忍樣, 話咁快就扯晒鼻鼾添。
He was once so romantic, and witty and smart.
以前佢鬼咁烟韌, 精叻夾醒目,
How'd he turn out to be such a cranky old fart?
So don't take any bets, this is as good as it gets.
總之打定輸數冇彎轉, 已成定局冇偈傾,
Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?
唔駛問, 今晚又係要食自己嘞?
多多保重, 百"毒"不侵!
Are you lonesome tonight, does your tummy feel tight?
你今晚寂寞嗎, 你的肚子很漲嗎?
Did you bring your Mylanta and Tums ?
Does your memory stray, to that bright sunny day...
When you had all your teeth and your gums?
Is your hairline receding, are your eyes growing dim?
你的髮線是否在後退, 你的眼變得朦朧不清?
Hysterectomy for her, and it's prostate for him.
她為著子宮的煩惱, 而他也為著前列腺的憂心。
Does your back give you pain...do your knees predict rain?
Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?
親愛的, 你今夜寂寞嗎?
Now I wonder if you're lonesome tonight?
Now I wonder if you're lonesome tonight?
Is your blood pressure up, your cholesterol down?
Is your blood pressure up, your cholesterol down?
你的血壓有冇上升, 你的膽固醇有冇下降?
Are you eating your low-fat cuisine?
Are you eating your low-fat cuisine?
All that oat bran and fruit, Metamucil to boot,
All that oat bran and fruit, Metamucil to boot,
全以燕麥和水果, 纖維素的幫助,
Keeps you like a well-oiled machine.
Keeps you like a well-oiled machine.
If it's football, or baseball...he sure knows the score.
If it's football, or baseball...he sure knows the score.
Yes, he knows where it's at...but forgets what it's for.
Yes, he knows where it's at...but forgets what it's for.
So, your gall bladder's gone, and his gout lingers on.
So, your gall bladder's gone, and his gout lingers on.
所以, 你的膀胱不靈, 他的痛風仍在。
Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?
Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?
親愛的, 你今夜寂寞嗎?
He was once so romantic, and witty and smart.
He was once so romantic, and witty and smart.
他曾經是那麼浪漫, 精叻和醒目。
How'd he turn out to be such a cranky old fart?
How'd he turn out to be such a cranky old fart?
So don't take any bets, this is as good as it gets.
So don't take any bets, this is as good as it gets.
所以, 不要猜疑, 這已成定局了。
Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight.
Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight.
親愛的, 你今夜寂寞嗎。