"Mercedes Benz" - 1970
Oh lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz.
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends.
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends.
So oh lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz
Oh lord won't you buy me a color TV.
Dialing for dollars is trying to find me.
I wait for delivery each day until 3.
So oh lord won't you buy me a color TV.
Oh lord won't you buy me a night on the town.
I'm counting on you lord, please don't let me down.
Prove that you love me and buy the next round.
Oh lord won't you buy me a night on the town.
"That was a pretty heavy time for me".........
"It was really important, you know,
whether people were going to accept me or not"
主因是她要在酒精和毒品之中掙扎, 而實際上已經墮入 "Heroin 海洛英" 和 "Amphetamine 安非他名" 的深淵, 至不能自拔的精神狀態 ....
受訪完畢, 她回到母校 Thomas Jefferson High School 參加舊生敍會之後, 並預定十月四日返回 Los Angeles 洛杉磯, 準備錄製一首由自己撰寫的歌曲 "Buried Alive in The Blues", 但是當天早上被發現倒斃在下榻的 Landmark Hotel 房間內, 有服用過量毒品的跡象。
明珠的歿世: "PEARL"是她的昵稱,
她沙啞的唱腔, 並沒有被埋於黃土,
至今仍長在樂迷的心坎裡 ....
Sunday morning everybody's in bed, I'm
On the street, I'm talking out of my head,
This dumb brick wall ain't heard a word
That I've said, I'm buried alive in the blues
I'm buried alive, oh yeah, in the blues
I'm buried alive, somebody help me, in the blues
I beg for mercy, I pray for rain,
I can't be the one to accept all this blame,
Something here's trying to pollute my brain,
I' buried alive in the blues.
It's real hard you know, it's real hard being buried alive
It's real hard being buried alive
When you're buried alive they walk right on by you.
When you're buried alive they never care about you.
When you're buried alive, oh, you reach out for somebody,
And when you're buried alive you get can't seem to press on through
Being buried alive is a bad condition; it's a real weird situation
Being buried alive in the blues, it's a real weird situation
Being buried, being buried
Being buried, being buried
Being buried alive in the blues,
It's a real weird situation.
Oh, yeah
Joplin's house at 122 Lyon Street in Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco, California. She lived there in the 1960s with her boyfriend Country Joe McDonald.
Photo cited: wikipedia
Janis Joplin sculpture (copper, sheet, 62cm) in Budapest's Ferenc Erkel Grade School, Hungary, sculptor: László Szlávics, Jr.
Photo cited - wikipedia
2005 "THE GRAMMY" 追頒終生成就獎 "Lifetime Achievement Award"
2014 "The U.S. Postal Service" 印製一套以 Janis Joplin 人像的郵票,