Singing this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die
Annotation Verse 6:4
Helter skelter in a summer swelter
"Helter Skelter" 螺旋滑梯, 游樂場裡一種無法自已操控由上至下滑速度的玩意。
When things are out of control.
"My life has been so helter skelter recently"
In British English, the term "helter-skelter" not only has its meaning of "in disorderly haste or confusion", but is the name of a spiralling amusement park slide.
莎朗蒂 Sharon Tate 1943 - 1969
The birds flew off with a fallout shelter
Eight miles high and falling fast
Landed foul on the grass
1966 年樂隊 THE BYRDS 的專輯 " Fifth Dimension " 中有一首歌 " Eight Miles High " 因為歌詞中有暗示 "Grass = Marijuana大蔴" 而遭禁, 而樂隊的一位成員因藏有大蔴 Marijuana 給被捕, 正喻毒品能將人們引向堕落。
1966年七月二十九日, Bob Dylan 因一次電單車意外, 嚴重脚傷, 隱居於 New York, Woodstock 的家, 要用石膏模療傷達九個月。
此刻 The Beatles 已成為打進美國樂壇之開路先鋒, 而英國的樂隊包括 The Rolling Stones 均期望開拓本土以外的樂壇。
Now the half-time air was sweet perfume
While sergeants played a marching tune
We all got up to dance
Oh, but we never got the chance
Cause the players tried to take the field
The marching band refused to yield
Do you recall what was revealed
The day the music died?
1966 年的專輯唱片 "Pet Sounds", 在錄音室進行了很多電子音效的實驗, 圖創一新耳目, 雖然給 The Beatles 的專輯唱片 "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" 早一年發行, 但銷售極差, 美國樂壇給 "British Invasion" 英國入侵了 !
We started singing . . . Bye, bye Miss American Pie
This'll be the day that I die
Annotation Verse 6:4
Helter skelter in a summer swelter
"Helter Skelter" 螺旋滑梯, 游樂場裡一種無法自已操控由上至下滑速度的玩意。
When things are out of control.
"My life has been so helter skelter recently"
In British English, the term "helter-skelter" not only has its meaning of "in disorderly haste or confusion", but is the name of a spiralling amusement park slide.
The Beatles 的唱片專輯 "The White Album” 其中的一首歌曲。
一位音樂人, 聲稱自己受到 The Beatles 這曲所啟示, 像走進 "Helter Skelter" 的不能自控下, 帶領其隨從於1968年犯下一宗哄動一時的兇殺案, 將懐有身孕的女影星, 當時導演 Roman Polanski 波蘭斯基的妻子 "莎朗蒂 Sharon Tate" 以目不忍睹的肢解殘殺。
莎朗蒂 Sharon Tate 1943 - 1969
"Valley of the Dolls 風月泣殘紅" "The Fearless Vampire Killers 天師捉妖"
The birds flew off with a fallout shelter
Eight miles high and falling fast
Landed foul on the grass
1966 年樂隊 THE BYRDS 的專輯 " Fifth Dimension " 中有一首歌 " Eight Miles High " 因為歌詞中有暗示 "Grass = Marijuana大蔴" 而遭禁, 而樂隊的一位成員因藏有大蔴 Marijuana 給被捕, 正喻毒品能將人們引向堕落。
THE BYRDS - "Eight Miles High"
1966年七月二十九日, Bob Dylan 因一次電單車意外, 嚴重脚傷, 隱居於 New York, Woodstock 的家, 要用石膏模療傷達九個月。
此刻 The Beatles 已成為打進美國樂壇之開路先鋒, 而英國的樂隊包括 The Rolling Stones 均期望開拓本土以外的樂壇。
While sergeants played a marching tune
We all got up to dance
Oh, but we never got the chance
Cause the players tried to take the field
The marching band refused to yield
Do you recall what was revealed
The day the music died?
空氣中充斥着 "Sweet Perfume" 大麻毒品的比喻, 迷幻音樂正興起。The Beatles 的專輯唱片 "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band" 帶領流行音樂的潮流, "英國入侵 British Invasion" 的時代已開始, 再没有適合跳舞的 Pop Music 歌曲, 回顧昔日, 人面依舊, 音樂要逝?
1966 年的專輯唱片 "Pet Sounds", 在錄音室進行了很多電子音效的實驗, 圖創一新耳目, 雖然給 The Beatles 的專輯唱片 "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" 早一年發行, 但銷售極差, 美國樂壇給 "British Invasion" 英國入侵了 !
We started singing . . . Bye, bye Miss American Pie