Jimmy Scott
美國樂壇公認他是當今一位天生遇頑症、吃盡苦頭, 但面對人生起跌仍鬥志頑強的爵士樂黑人歌手 ....
原名字 James Victor Scott, 1925年7月17日, 生於美國俄亥俄州 Ohio, 克利夫蘭 Cleveland 十兄弟妹的家庭, 他排行第三, 父親仼職道路維修工人, 母親在教堂當司琴工作。
母 亡 家 散
少年時期的 Jimmy, 跟一般孩子全無分别, 父母亦從沒發覺他有任何異樣。母親彈琴, 他常伴身傍, 得母親指導歌唱訓練, 母子同參加教堂詩歌班。原是個熱鬧的大家庭, 一次母親和妹妹在過馬路時, 妹妹快給汔車撞倒的一刻, 母親試圖捨己救女兒, 不幸被奪去生命。失去母親的家庭, 父親無力照顧兒女十人, 把較年幼的孩子放棄, 安置到孤兒院或托付寄養家庭。十三歲的 Jimmy 和兄長, 從此放棄學業, 要自食其力, 他的第一份工作是劇院領位員, 及後在雜耍舞蹈團當侍僕工人。
遺 傳 基 因
在外工作幾年之後, 漸覺自己跟同輩有異, 聲線仍是小孩, 身高亦停止增長; 經疹驗後, 才知 Kallmann Syndrome 卡爾曼氏綜合症 (嗅覺和生殖器官發育障礙綜合症, 主要是發生於男性。初期身體外表無異, 衹缺乏第二性徵, 而青春期會比同齡的人較為遲緩 ...) 一種罕見的遺傳性徵狀, 把他的青春期停頓下來; 而兩個弟弟和叔叔先後同樣有這徵狀出現。當年聲線猶如小孩的 Jimmy, 身高低於160厘米, 跟同齡友儕相差甚遠; 在日常生活和工作之間, 常遭白眼、給人評頭品足和背後竊竊私語, 雖感不快, 但從沒有怨天尤人, 還積極面對人生!

"Little Jimmy Scott"
在雜耍舞蹈團工作期間, 對演藝工作感興趣, 時有担當一些小角色演出。四十年代初, 加入一隊流動帳篷式的演藝團, 任職歌手, 巡迴演出。1948年, 被 Lionel Hampton 這伯樂看中, 視他非池中物, 給他加入陣容鼎盛的大樂隊; 由於身材細小而給他起名 "Little Jimmy Scott"。兩年後, 更以樂隊主唱, 首次給 "Decca Records" 錄音, "Everybody's Somebody's Fool" 一曲面世, 即登上1950年十月份, 美國 "R&B Top Ten Hit 十大藍調節奏歌曲榜" 第六位。
Lionel Hampton : Vibes
Milt Buckner : Piano
Bobby Plater : Alto Sax
Jerome Richardson : Flute
Johnny Board, Curtis Lowe, Billy Williams : Tenor Sax
Lonnie Shaw : Baritone Sax
Wes Montgomery : Guitar
Roy Johnson : Bass
Ellis Bartee : Drums
Benny Bailey, Duke Garrette, Ed Mullens, Leo Shepherd, Walter Williams : Trumpet
Al Grey, Paul Lee Higaki, Benny Powell, Jimmy Wormick : Trombone
唱片雖有好成績, 卻没有給 Jimmy 帶來喜悅, 甚至有感失落, 因為唱片封套上並沒有他的名字出現, 樂迷祇知 Lionel Hampton & His Orchestra 而已。翌年, 離開樂隊, 遠赴 New Orleans 新奧爾良, 在當地加入 Paul Gayten 的樂隊, 一次在 Rip's Playhouse 演出, 由 Regal Records 作現場錄音, 但是, 從沒有印製唱片面世 ....
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool" - 1950
Written by: Lionel Hampton & Ace Adam
Everybody's somebody's fool
The world is the biggest school
As you live, you learn though a torch will burn
Everybody's somebody's fool
You go through life making fools of others
Pretending you're giving them love
But remember sister or brother
You all have to answer to the one up above
It's beautiful to watch love begin
But oh so sad when it ends
As you got through life remember this rule
Everybody's somebody's fool
It's beautiful to watch love begin
But oh so sad when it ends
As you got through life remember this rule
Everybody's somebody's fool
之後翻唱的版本有 : LaVern Baker, Red Garland, Etta James, Arthur Prysock, Kay Starr, Dinah Washington, Michael Jackson, The Heartbeats, Dakota Staton .... 。
Connie Francis 1960年有另一同名歌曲 "Everybody's Somebody's Fool" 但不同歌詞內容。
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool" - Connie Francis 1960
The tears I cried for you could fill an ocean
But you don't care how many tears I cry
And though you only lead me on and hurt me
I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye
Cause everybody's somebody's fool
Everybody's somebody's plaything
and there are no exceptions to the rule
Yes, everybody's somebody's fool
I told myself it's best that I forget you
though I'm a fool, at least I know the score
You darlin', I'd be twice as blue without you
It hurts, but I'd come running back for more
Cause everybody's somebody's fool
Everybody's somebody's plaything
And there are no exceptions to the rule
Yes, everybody's somebody's fool
Someday you'll find someone you really care for
And if her love should prove to be untrue
You'll know how much this heart of mind is breakin'
you'll cry for her the way I cried for you
Yes, everybody's somebody's fool
Everybody's somebody's plaything
and there are no exceptions to the rule
Yes, everybody's somebody's fool
But you don't care how many tears I cry
And though you only lead me on and hurt me
I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye
Cause everybody's somebody's fool
Everybody's somebody's plaything
and there are no exceptions to the rule
Yes, everybody's somebody's fool
I told myself it's best that I forget you
though I'm a fool, at least I know the score
You darlin', I'd be twice as blue without you
It hurts, but I'd come running back for more
Cause everybody's somebody's fool
Everybody's somebody's plaything
And there are no exceptions to the rule
Yes, everybody's somebody's fool
Someday you'll find someone you really care for
And if her love should prove to be untrue
You'll know how much this heart of mind is breakin'
you'll cry for her the way I cried for you
Yes, everybody's somebody's fool
Everybody's somebody's plaything
and there are no exceptions to the rule
Yes, everybody's somebody's fool
NEXT .... JIMMY SCOTT - 2 : The Biography