DOC POMUS 1925-1991
原名字 Jerome Felder, 1925年6月27日, 生於紐約 Brooklyn 布魯克林區的猶太人家庭。六歲時被診斷出有小兒麻痺症, 並開始失去步行能力, 要倚靠一雙拐杖幫助步行; 面對殘疾的困難, 生活漸見不便, 要放棄為大多數孩子的日常活動, 選較靜態的思考創作為興趣。
BIG JOE TURNER 1911-1985
Doc Pomus 15歲時, 聽過電台播放 Big Joe Turner 的怨曲 "Piney Brown Blues" 之後, 開始有興趣在音樂方面, 尤其是愛上藍調歌曲和嘗試創作, 因為迷上 Turner 的音樂, 更學上吹奏 saxophone 樂器。
Doc Pomus 給予 Big Joe Turner 的讚譽:
"Rock and Roll would have never happened without him"

他最喜愛的藍調創作歌手是 Doctor Clayton, 所以取其名字的 "Doc", 再以簡單發音和易記的 "Pomus", 這亦可以避免母親知道他以歌唱為業。很快以 Doc Pomus 為藝名開展了他的歌唱工作, 在一些黑人藍調歌曲的場所賣藝; 有時在心裡更會自問 : "這個殘障的猶太白人小子, 在美國非裔黑人的場所唱起藍調歌曲來, 不被他們看貶才怪哩!"
1947年, Doc Pomus 獻唱於 "Pied Piper" 會所, 同台樂手有 Uffe Bode, Sol Yaged, John Levy 與及Rex William Stuart。
開始先給報刊雜誌撰寫音樂文章, 及後才有歌曲作品被各歌手採用, 如 Lavern Baker, Ruth Brown 和 Ray Charles, 亦有歌曲作品寫給他的啓蒙老師 Big Joe Turner。工作漸見回報, 收入亦較可觀, 很快便與一位百老匯舞台女演員 Willi Burke 結婚。
一個晚上 Doc Pomus 在家中, 整理桌上的文件時, 找到一封 "婚禮請簡" 的舊郵件, 打開看過後, 此刻卻回憶起一段苦樂参半的往事, 一幕活生生的景象出現於眼前 ....
"Wedding Night" - Willi Burke & Doc Pomus
三年前, 他的婚禮宴會上 ....
樂隊正在奏起婚禮傳統的 "Bride & Groom First Dance 新人共舞第一曲" 的音樂引子時, 坐在輪椅上的他和身傍的 Willi 正在不知所措的時候, 弟弟 Raoul 即跑上前, 把新娘子 Willi 引領到舞池中, 代哥哥完成了這傳統的 "First Dance" 禮儀。
"婚禮請簡" 在手上, 此時突來的靈感, 花了整個晚上, 把歌詞寫在這張舊「婚禮請簡」背後。
翌日, 找來 Mort Shuman 把音樂譜上; 歌詞第一段, 開始時仍表現較為大方, 讓愛人在舞會中飲酒交友, 跳舞作樂; 第二段和副歌的內容已漸見嫉妒之意, 第三段並顯出脆弱和可憐的暗示:
『 如果他問你要是獨自一人, 他可以送你回家的話, 你必須告訴他, 不用了 』; 結尾一句如歌曲的名字『 So darling, save the last dance for me 親愛的, 把你最後的一支舞留給我 』。
相信, 當年這 "Last Dance" 的責任亦是由弟弟 Raoul 代勞吧 !
DOC POMUS "SAVE THE LAST DANCE FOR ME" and how it almost wasn't...
Mort Shuman - La dernier dance pour moi (Save the last dance for me)
"SAVE THE LAST DANCE FOR ME" 此曲亦不是【男子漢】專用的; 女版演譯的歌詞, 衹要略為修改, 正好給妳的【男子漢】参加舞會飲宴前的【温馨提示】吧 !
Emmylou Harris : "Save the Last Dance for Me"
You can dance every dance with the girl
Who gives you the eye, let her hold you tight
You can smile every smile for the girl
Who'd like to treat you right neath the pale moonlight
But don't forget who's takin' you home
And in who's arms you're gonna be
Oh, darlin', save the last dance for me
Oh I know that the musics fine like sparklin' wine
Go and have your fun
Dance and sing but while were apart
Don't give your heart to anyone
And don't forget who's takin' you home
And in who's arms you're gonna be
Oh, darlin', save the last dance for me
You can dance go and carry on
Till the night is gone and its time to go
If she asks if you're all alone
Can she take you home, you must tell her no
And don't forget who's takin' you home
And in who's arms you're gonna be
Oh, darlin', save the last dance for me
And don't forget who's takin' you home
And in who's arms you're gonna be
Oh, darlin', save the last dance for me
Who gives you the eye, let her hold you tight
You can smile every smile for the girl
Who'd like to treat you right neath the pale moonlight
But don't forget who's takin' you home
And in who's arms you're gonna be
Oh, darlin', save the last dance for me
Oh I know that the musics fine like sparklin' wine
Go and have your fun
Dance and sing but while were apart
Don't give your heart to anyone
And don't forget who's takin' you home
And in who's arms you're gonna be
Oh, darlin', save the last dance for me
You can dance go and carry on
Till the night is gone and its time to go
If she asks if you're all alone
Can she take you home, you must tell her no
And don't forget who's takin' you home
And in who's arms you're gonna be
Oh, darlin', save the last dance for me
And don't forget who's takin' you home
And in who's arms you're gonna be
Oh, darlin', save the last dance for me
NEXT .... Answer Song: "I'll Save The Last Dance For You"