SERENATA "Rimpianto" Op.6 No.1 悔嘆小夜曲
Enrico Toselli (1883-1926)
至今, 在流行歌曲樂壇, 以這樂譜撰上英文歌詞, 取不同曲目名字, 有記載的版本共有五首, 內容全部跟原義大利文歌詞相近; 歌詞全出自不同撰詞家的手筆, 亦是由當年的知名歌手演繹, 在網上的音樂資訊平台, 能找到有記錄和最早面世的版本是1923年, 至最近期的版本是2015年, 由澳洲駐名的 "Yodel 真假嗓音" 女歌手 Mary Schneider 演繹的版本 "Come Back", 她把這一曲從浪漫回憶中帶來一番新耳目。
1923: "THE TRESPASSER" - Gloria Swanson
1929年完成拍製, 一齣 (All Talking) 有對白電影, 這亦是由默片至有聲(配樂), 再邁進有音效和有對白電影的年代。翌年在香港上影, 譯名:【愛情的犧牲】; 女主角 Gloria Swanson 在影片中亮聲, 演繹了1923年, Sigmund Spaeth 闡釋 Alfredo Silvestri 的意大利文歌詞, 而譯成英文版本的 "Serenade"。
Theme song by GLORIA SWANSON
"THE TRESPASSER" Sheet Music Paperback
Publisher: THE BOSTON MUSIC CO. (1923)
Like a golden dream upon my heart graven
Still remains the memory of a love
Alas, that lives no more
Ah, that was the vision smiling so sweetly
That with shining light enthralled in joy,
Our youthful days of yore
All too brief the time for me
Of sweetly blessed joy
It vanished that golden dreams
And left me naught but grief
All beyond is dark, and sadder every day,
For youth itself will soon pass away,
Lamenting remains alone, yea
My tears and bitter grief of heart
O rays of the sunshine
Upon my ways, alas, ye shine no more!
No more, no more
1926 - "COME BACK"
Lyric: R.H. Elkin
Like a golden dream in my heart, ever smiling,
Lives the image fair of happy love I knew in days gone by
Still, I seem to hear your laughter beguiling,
Still to see the joy,
The love light beaming from your radiant eye.
Can my dreaming be in vain?
Will my love ne’er come again? Ah come!
Shall we waste the golden hours of youth far apart?
What care I for life without you by my side!
Do not delay, the hours slip away,
Your arms are my paradise,
You and only you can fill my heart!
Oh, star of my heaven
Come back and shed your light upon my way
Come back! Come back!
COME BACK (The Nightingale Song) 献給澳洲的樂迷 !
Mary Schneider 2015
"YEARS AND YEARS AGO" Tony Martin - 1946
Lyric: Dewey Bergman, Jack Segal
Years and years ago, I dreamed I found my love.
Tears and tears ago, imagination made you part of me.
And darling now, at last, I know, the love that I dreamed of
Here, at last you’re here, where tears and tears ago I knew you’d be
Years and years ago, I dreamed I found my love.
Tears and tears ago, imagination made you part of me.
And, darling, now at last I know, the love that I dreamed of
Here at last you’re here, where taers and tears ago
I knew you’d be….
Dick Haymes - 1946
The Dinning Sisters - 1947
Dick Rogers - 1962
"MY TORMENTED HEART" - Sarah Vaughan 1952
Lyric: Ed Jr. Nelson
My tormented heart
Cries out I still love you
Thou I know you're gone
Your love lives on to haunt my memory
My tormented heart
Will never forget you
Thou you said goodbye
My heart and I refused to let you free
At the close of every day
All alone I kneel and pray
That someday you'll realize
That we were wrong to part
Then maybe you'll return
And dry this tears that burn
In my tormented heart
"DREAMS AND MEMORIES" - Perry Como 1966
Lyrics : Carl Sigman
Dreams and memories,
Are all that you've left me,
Only lonely thoughts,
About the one, I worship and adore!
Dreams and memories,
Are what I must live with,
Sad remembering,
Of golden moments that exist no more!
Lovin' arms to hold me tight,
And your lips to kiss goodnight,
A love that seemed " Oh so right!"
And yet, somehow, went wrong!
Dreams and memories,
The moonlight on your hair,
Songs that we sang,
That feeling we shared whenever a church bell rang!
Oh, the memories and dreams of you!
I can't live without you . . .
I'll keep on praying you to come back to me,
To me . . . to me!