ANSWER ME - "Mütterlein" - Dear Mother
1953年, 正藉搖滾音樂年代興起, 美國唱片公司 Bourne Music 邀請作詞人 Carl Sigman 代為執筆, 把這德語歌曲 "Mütterlein" 撰上英文歌詞; 他聽過原曲開始的一節後, 對它單調的音樂, 心中已湧現出歌曲名字和歌詞內容。

Carl Sigman (1909-2000)
生於美國紐約 Brooklyn 布鲁克林。法律系畢業, 並取得紐約州大律師資格; 但是, 給好友遊說而放棄律師執業, 改而參予歌曲創作之後, 成了美國流行音樂史中, 被列為高成就的撰詞家之一, 出自他手筆的作品甚多, 不少成了樂壇的經典金曲, 作品有:
"A Marshmallow World" (collaboration with Peter de Rose)
"Arrivederci Roma"
"The All American Soldier"
"All Too Soon" (collaboration with Duke Ellington)
"Answer Me"
"Buona Sera"
"Careless Hands"
"Crazy He Calls Me" (collaboration with Bob Russell)
"Dance Ballerina Dance" (collaboration with Bob Russell)
"A Day In The Life Of A Fool"
"The Day The Rains Came" (1957)
"Ebb Tide"
"Enjoy Yourself" (1948)
"How Will I Remember You" (music by Walter Gross)
"I Could Have Told You" (collaboration with Jimmy Van Heusen)
"If You Could See Me Now" (collaboration with Tadd Dameron)
"It's All In The Game"
"Music From Across The Way"
"My Heart Cries For You"
"Pennsylvania 6-5000" (collaboration with Glenn Miller)
"The Saddest Thing Of All"
"What Now My Love"
"(Where Do I Begin?) Love Story"
"The World We Knew (Over and Over)"
"You're My World"
是英文: "Dear Mother", 中文: "親愛的母親"; Carl Sigman 知道德文是"母親"的闡釋, 由於他自幼與母親的關係所影響, 不願意跟隨原曲的內容來撰寫, 完成後的歌曲名字是 :
"Answer Me, Lord Above"
歌詞彷如宗教歌曲, 對天主禱告, 懇求指引, 重拾一段失去的愛情。首唱錄音由英國的 David Whitfield 和美國歌手 Frankie Laine 分別演譯, 兩者同曲而不同版本唱片同時面世後, 即登上1953年11月份英國流行榜首位; 同出自一作品, 兩曲能夠同時登上榜首位置, 是創下了英國流行歌曲榜的歷史紀錄。
NEXT .... Original & Remade : 3
"Answer Me, Lord Above" - Frankie Laine - 1953
Answer me, Lord above
Just what sin have I been guilty of ?
Tell me how I came to lose my love
Please answer me, oh, Lord
She was mine yesterday
I believed that love was here to stay
Won't You tell me where I've gone astray ?
Please answer me, oh Lord
If she's happier without me
Don't tell her, I care / Or does she still care
If she still thinks about me
Please let her hear my prayer
Let her know, I've been true
Send her back so we can start anew
In my sorrow, may I turn to You ?
Please answer me, oh Lord
Please answer me, oh Lord
"Answer Me, Lord Above" - David Whitfield (1953)
NEXT .... Original & Remade : 3