Bobby Vinton
原名字 Stanley Robert Vinton Jr. 1935年四月十六日, 生於美國 Pennsylvania 賓夕凡尼亞州 Cannonsburg, 他是波蘭 Poland 和立陶宛 Lithuania 的族裔。父親 Stan Vinton 是音樂業界人士, 有自己樂隊 "Canonsburg Italian Band"; 更獨俱慧眼, 把年少的 Perry Como 帶進樂壇。
Bobby Vinton 在父親的鼓勵下, 自幼學會吹奏 "Clarinet 單簧管", 十六歲在學時期自組樂隊, 任领隊在校表演, 及後還在當地一些音樂會所演奏, 賺錢自供完成大學。在學期間學會彈奏不同管樂、鋼琴和打鼓; 他俊朗的面孔和健康形像, 打進美國樂壇, 成了當代年青樂迷的偶像。常在表演獻藝期間, 讚揚波蘭的文化和自豪, 樂壇更稱他為 'The Polish Prince 波蘭王子"。

Bobby Vinton 兩年兵役之後; 1960年, Epic Records 跟他的樂隊 "A Young Man With A Big Band" 簽約, 經兩張專輯和幾首單曲發售之後, 成績並不理想; 1962年, 唱片公司正想和他解約之時, 他在公司的一堆棄用作品中挑出一曲, 經他要求下, 重新編上絃樂給他一試。
這次完成錄音和印製之後, 他自掏腰包買下一千張唱片和過百枝紅玫瑰, 請來幾位女士, 專程送往各電台的 DJ 唱片騎師作推廣。七月中初出, 即登上 "US Billboard Hot 100" 榜首逹四星期, 亦是 Epic Records 的第一張榜首細碟。
Composed by: Al Byron and Paul Evans
Roses are red, my love ... doo doo da doooo ...
A long, long time ago, on graduation day.
You handed me your book ... I signed this way:
"Roses are red, my love.
Violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet, my love.
But not as sweet as you."
We dated through high school.
And when the big day came,
I wrote into your book,
next to my name:
"Roses are red, my love.
Violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet, my love.
But not as sweet as you."
Then I went far away and you found someone new.
I read your letter dear, and I wrote back to you:
"Roses are red, my love.
Violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet, my love.
But luck may god bless you."
Is that your little girl?
She looks a lot like you.
Someday some boy will write
in her book, too.
"Roses are red, my love.
Violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet, my love.
But not as sweet as you."
LONG AS THE ROSE IS RED - Florraine Darlin
Inside my high school book
I placed the sweetest rose
It's right next to your name
And heaven knows
Long as the rose is red
And skies are blue
You'll be my one true love
I'll go on loving you
I thought I'd lost your love
My letter set you free
But in my heart I vowed
Now that you're back, my love
I only hope and pray
That nothing in this world
Can take your love away
She's not my little girl
She only looks like me
Throw her a kiss and then
Pledge faithfully
Long as the rose is red
And skies are blue
I'll be your one true love
And God may bless us two
1967年, 新架坡 Singapore 創作歌手舒雲, 以 "Roses Are Red" 曲調撰上中文歌詞, 把原曲的意思和韻味仍保留下來, 成了一曲《玫瑰花香 》由當地女歌手莊雪芳演譯。